How to avoid mistakes at cultivation of aloe

How to avoid mistakes at cultivation of aloe

The aloe — succulent is from Africa and Madagascar which some types have removed from the nature on our windowsills long ago, striking with medicinal properties and the survivability. However even such unpretentious flower requires care.

That the green inhabitant of our apartments pleased with the beauty and protected health of members of household, it is important to know its features and to replace regularly. For aloe the most comfortable corner — light southern windowsill. Unlike other window plants he perfectly feels under bright beams of the sun. In the dark room it is extended, foliage becomes pale. It is possible to rearrange flowerpot on the aired loggia in the summer or to take out in garden, having created for young sprouts easy shading in midday hours.

As it is correct to pick up capacity

Choosing pot, it is necessary to pay attention to its sizes and also to material of which it is made.

Important! The mandatory requirement to any capacity — availability at the bottom of openings for water drain if they are absent, then to make independently.

The succulent differs in small root system and at the same time large, fleshy leaves therefore wide, but superficial pots will be suitable for it. The landing container with a diameter of 8 cm will be suitable for small sprout at the initial stage, at each subsequent change it should be increased by 2-3 cm.

Do not recommend to place sapling in too wide ware at once — excess soil will begin to sour, provoking development of root decay.

What pot to choose: ceramic, clay or plastic?

Plastic — the inexpensive, light, strong, but doing not pass air and moisture.

Optimal variant for succulent culture — ceramic, made of natural material. Considerable weight gives to stoneware stability which is not enough for plastic pots. It is also possible to choose clay — without glaze which honeycomb of walls allows to regulate receipt to roots of moisture and heat. The only lack of clay vessels — fragility.

Before landing the plastic pots for disinfection surely wash with hot water with soap, ceramic calcinate in oven of 15 minutes, clay wash out with potassium permanganate solution.

What has to be the soil

In the nature of aloe grow in hot droughty climate of deserts and semi-deserts on dehydrated and poor nutrients to the earth. At cultivation in room conditions for flower it will be required to prepare soil, on structure close to the native habitat — the friable, loose, providing easy access of air to roots and not delaying excess water. It is necessary to take care also of qualitative drainage to avoid stagnation of moisture.

In garden shops it is possible to buy ready soil for cacti and succulents. Such set of substrate components of the cespitose earth, sand, ceramic crumb, wood charcoal and biohumus has neutral or weak acidity of pH 6-7.

It is simple to prepare soil mix, for this purpose it will be required:

  • the deciduous earth (2 h) — the leaves which have rotted through during the winter, collect them in the spring under trees; the exception is made by such trees as oak and walnut in which leaves, large amount of tannins because of what slowly there is decomposition process;
  • coarse-grained sand (1 h);
  • humus (1 h);
  • coal;
  • drainage (from beaten brick, pebble gravel, small pebble).

Important! As additional components it is impossible to use peat — it increases acidity that depresses culture.

Before filling of capacity pochvosmes it is necessary to calcinate in oven, and to disinfect drainage material in potassium permanganate solution.

At first stack drainage 2 cm thick on bottom of pot, then fill soil mix over which do layer of sand or haydite.

Rules of watering

The main rule is to pour in too little better, than to pour. Therefore before watering — it is necessary to loosen top layer of the earth and to make sure that it has dried out on 4-5 cm. Warm otstoyanny water best of all will be suitable for watering. It is necessary to leave the gathered water for day, then to pour in plastic bottle, having left deposit at the bottom. To freeze it, then to defreeze and warm up to room temperature. Besides, it will help to eliminate excessive rigidity. One more way for mitigation is to boil it, and then already to defend.

It is better to water once a month, to pour only on the earth, watching to getting on plant. For a long time, being late, in the radical socket between leaves, it will cause rotting.

If watering wrong, it affects exterior of plant:

at insufficient watering — leaves thin, not juicy, break off from excessive dryness

at excess watering — the turned yellow and too soft, sluggish leaves

when watering by cold water — leaves can fall down

Ways of reproduction

Most often make multiple copies by means of leaf, cherenkovaniye, radical escapes ("children"), some types breed seeds and division of tuber.

By means of leaf

The healthy leaf is cut off at the basis, left in the darkened place on as far as days, for drying and formation of thin film on the place of cut. Then powder with wood ashes for prevention of infection (it is also possible to use istolcheny activated carbon from pharmacy) and plant in slightly damp mix of the earth with sand on depth of 5 cm. Support soil moisture, without allowing drying of the earth.


In the spring and at the beginning of summer the rooting of shanks happens best of all. The disinfected tool cut off side escape and for several days leave it in the dark, closed place, strew the place of cut with wood ashes, and put in slightly humidified soil.

Reproduction by radical escapes

At adult plant shoots — the "children" having the root system and quite easily transferring change often grow. After moistening of the soil the flower is taken from pot, accurately separate radical escapes with roots and transplanted on separate tanks. "Children" quickly take roots on the new place.

Important! In water gives roots, only leaf of aloe (aloe treelike) therefore you should not wait for it from other types of this sort.

When and how to seat

It is necessary to change residence when:

  • it is necessary to update the exhausted soil;
  • it is required to replace the soil after excessive waterings;
  • too many radical escapes grow;
  • the grown roots do not find room in flowerpot and make the way through drainage holes.

How often it is necessary to replace

Young copies quickly expand therefore every year they are replaced surely in pot of bigger volume. At flowers 5 years are more senior the intensity of growth decreases, they are transplanted time in 3 years.

Important! The best time for change — spring or the beginning of summer. During this period there is activization of biological processes, plants react to changes of conditions less painfully and quicker adapt on the new place.

The procedure of change simple and quite can do even to the beginning flower grower. Stack drainage on bottom of new flowerpot. From above fill part of fresh substrate. The pot with flower is carefully inclined and take aloe together with earth lump. Shift in new capacity and establish on the center. Powder with the earth, holding for stalk. 3 days later carry out watering, trying not to get on leaves. In the first 2 weeks after change the plant follows pritenyat from direct sunshine.

The aloe — unpretentious plant, but is necessary for its full development correctly and in optimum terms to carry out change. And following the recommendations of experienced flower growers about reproduction of plant, it is possible to grow up with little effort the green assistant not only for itself, but also for neighbors.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
