Oh these neighbors! The wall is drilled, cut music on full loudness, and their family scandals are listened necessarily by all landing. What to do to ensure in own apartment though a little bit silence and rest?
1. First of all it is necessary to try to talk to neighbors – suddenly they have not considered that neighbors behind the wall suffer from their way of life? Sometimes it is possible to reach compromise, having agreed that to the deaf grandma will be bought by earphones to the TV, music will be switched off in 10, and their daughter will not play gamma at that time while your child has nap after dinner.
2. If "it is not possible to agree good" (or neighbors – from those with whom and it is terrible to agree) – threaten them with the appeal to militia. Here, however, it is necessary to consider that law which forbids citizens to rustle in the apartments in the afternoon, does not exist. So if it is not about night uproars, and about day or evening noise, and neighbors will be legally grounded – can "send". But can become silent!
3. If admonitions and threats do not help – address the militiaman in the beat with the complaint to violation "The law on administrative responsibility for violation of silence and rest of citizens at night". Let's note that this law – not federal, it is accepted at the local level and to the appeal to militia it is necessary to specify what restrictions act on the territory of your city. As a rule, "time of silence" time from 11 in the evening to 7 in the morning is considered.
4. District police officers work not round the clock – therefore very much do not like to contact "acoustic terrorists". Therefore it is better to make the statement in writing, and at refusal to accept it – to send by mail, with the assurance of receipt. And also in writing to send request for actions taken in connection with your address.
5. In most cases on the first time business is limited oral vnusheny, by repeated calls administrative penalties can be imposed (quite small). If it does not talk some sense into neighbors – remind them that the possibility of eviction from the apartment of the people who are systematically violating the rights of neighbors is provided in the Civil code (Article 293).