How to break flower beds at the dacha by the hands

How to break flower beds at the dacha by the hands

Experienced gardeners note that flowers best of all grow at those who often admire them and do not hide the admiration. That also your neighbors with delight looked at fine flower beds on your site, it is necessary not only to pick up the right place for beds, but also to buy qualitative seeds, to competently make composition and, naturally, to bring plants to blossoming.

The general rules of placement of flower beds at the dacha

  • The bed which it is visible from the street always has to be ideal. On it there is the first impression about owners of the site. But if you have no time to look after constantly ceremonial zone, it is better to use unpretentious plants which do not need permanent care for this flower bed. And precisely you should not break near fence rock garden or rock brown.
  • If you have decided that beds have to be under windows (and competently planted plants there very effectively look), watch that the water which is flowing down from roof during rain did not fall steeply on flower beds, it will wash away soil. In this place it is better not to plant perennial plants as the layers of snow falling from roof during thaw will break the sleeping escapes.
  • Perfectly beds along fences and walls look, but when planting plants it is necessary to be guided by parts of the world that flowers have not been turned off from looking for all day.
  • When planning flower beds it is necessary to know what size there will be plants in adult state. Forget-me-nots, carnations-travyanki, lobelias and other cultures with small flowers it is better to plant on outer edge, and peonies, to lavater, lilies or dahlias – in the center, on the second or even the third plan as stalk height at them rather big, and flowers large.
  • Visually to increase the size of bed and all site in general, it is possible to start up twisting flower paths along the main footpaths on which people go. Especially effectively such elements of landscaping look if to combine narrow and wide flower beds.
  • Those who loves round beds should choose such plants which not too strongly turn flowers to the sun: tsinniya, dahlias, lychnises, irises, lilies. Only in this case the bed will look equally well from all directions. Usually round beds do multilevel. The center plants high plants, on edge – low, and between them sometimes do tier of srednerosly cultures.

Mobile flower beds

These are original beds which do not take constant place on the site. They can easily be moved when the old arrangement bothers or will stop being convenient. People at whom on the site construction continues or to whom re-planning of garden and garden cultures is necessary should think of mobile flower beds seriously.

Flowers for mobile beds land in containers which if necessary are easy for moving manually on the new place. This option is also good for those who among commonplaces and cares have forgotten or have not managed to pave the way for stationary flower bed. One - or two-year plants which long it is also abundant blossom, – the best option for container gardening. Most often gardeners prefer petunias, geraniums, surfiniya. Containers can be got in specialized shops or to use any suitable by the size and weight of capacity (for example, containers for shish kebab, buckets from construction mixes, etc.), previously having made drainage holes in ground part. If capacity looks not too esthetically, it can be painted or to decorate with something.

One-year beds

Beds of annual flowers are good for those who do not love constancy and are ready to constant experiments. Besides, annual plants often grow up those who are not too confident in the forces, – the beginning flower growers. To one more advantages of flowers which life term only one season, continuous blossoming since spring and nearly to the first frosts is. Annual plants can be bought in the form of seedling, adult plants or to grow up independently from seeds.

Ideal plants for one-year beds:

  • petunias;
  • viols;
  • velvet ribbons;
  • cornflowers;
  • tsinerariya;
  • salviya;
  • godetion;
  • iberisa;

Long-term beds

Beds on which perennial plants grow become more more beautiful every year. At them all steam of shortcomings. First, very few cultures will please with abundant blossoming in the first year. Usually perennials in the first year get stronger, increase escapes and green material. Some of them, of course, blossom, but the quantity of flowers is small. But to you it is not necessary to be frightened the fact that the bed will look modestly, the next year the situation will cardinally change. Secondly, duration of blossoming of the majority of perennial plants not too big. Many please in flowers only two-three weeks. At competent planning the bed will please with the beauty all season if initially to plant plants which periods of blossoming will replace each other. 

Perfectly are suitable for long-term beds:

  • crocus;
  • iris;
  • peony;
  • phlox;
  • gaydaliya;
  • aster;
  • tulip;
  • lychnis;
  • daylily;
  • lily;
  • chrysanthemum;

Gardeners beginners can recommend simple and reliable option of long-term beds which will perfectly look on any site. For creation of such flower bed it is necessary to buy 7-10 bulbs of lilies and gladioluses and 5 tubers dahlia. It is necessary to plant them in May. Special care for flowers is not required. Country life hack: than the bulb of lilies, subjects on the bigger size of flowers is larger you can count. In the fall, to the first frosts, bulbs of gladioluses and dahlia will need to be dug out, lilies do within several years without change.

Bushes on the seasonal dacha

The flower bed is not always annual or long-term flowers alone. Very effective compositions turn out if to use decorative and deciduous bushes which, besides, also beautifully blossom. They will become bed "heart", will please in the summer with bright foliage (leaves of very unusual form meet) and blossoming, and in the fall and in the winter – original color of bark and fruits. In flower beds dwarfish hvoynik effectively look. They are good for sites with permanent residence of people.

Examples of shrubby cultures for flower beds:

  • rowan;
  • hawthorn;
  • kitayka;
  • guelder-rose;
  • chokeberry;
  • snezhnoyagodnik;
  • barberry;
  • kizilnik;
  • dogrose;

Except bushes it is possible to plant some trees of standard form.

Planning and organization of flower bed

Choice of subject

The simplest option of creation of bed is to plant flowers which are pleasant to you. But flower beds in which any original idea is looked through will look most advantageously. At the same time it is important to select plants so that they grew in the conditions suitable for them. Certain style can sometimes prompt the idea. For example, the country flower bed can be added with the small small fence weaved out of rod and couple of clay pots. It will be original to look bed in pastoral style – the simplest, natural, close to the nature. Long-term asters, garden camomiles, nivyanik, ekhinatseya, gaylardiya will be necessary for it. Under windows of kitchen it is possible to create the real mini-garden of officinal and spicy herbs.

If the flower bed is located on site fragment where seldom looks or at all the sun does not look, then by the center of composition it is desirable to do filbert krasnolistny or volzhanka. Standard willows and buzulnik perfectly grow in damp places. Near house facade the standard or pletisty rose will become "heart" of bed.

3 main receptions

Use of these three receptions based on contrast guarantees that all neighbors will look at your flower bed with envy.

  • Contrast of form of leaves. The hosts and plants reminding ferns have dense openwork leaves; some types of the same host, cereal cultures and irises – round xiphoidal leaves; stachys woolly both bergenia – the brilliant and slightly trimmed leaves.
  • Contrast of inflorescences. All passed types of inflorescences in school at biology lessons. It is a high time to use the gained knowledge and to think up interesting combination. For example, vertically blossoming hand bells and horizontal flowers of camomiles.
  • Contrast of flowers. Blue monk's-hood and yellow yarrow – remarkable example of this reception. Interestingly plants which practically do not differ in form of inflorescences and leaves look, but primroses and spring onions differ on other signs, for example.

Flower bed on paper

When you have already understood, will break bed where exactly, have chosen subject, have decided on types and quantity of plants, do not hurry to undertake shovel and watering can. At first implement everything conceived on paper. First, you will more accurately provide composition, and secondly, will be able to change it if any idea suddenly seems not really successful. Planning of flower bed on paper will help to recreate good bed, for example, from annual plants, and next year.

Mathematical approach

Not only gardeners should remember school lessons of botany, but also mathematics. On 1 square meter it is accepted to land:

  • from 1 to 3 tall plants with large flowers (hollyhock, delphinium);
  • from 5 to 7 compact plants of the average size;
  • from 9 to 13 plants belonging to the category of undersized;
  • from 29 to 35 pochvopokrovny plants.

The odd quantity of plants will allow to arrange them asymmetrically and will facilitate leaving. The even quantity is necessary only when forming of bed with strict symmetry is planned.

Advice to the lazy gardener

If you seldom come to the seasonal dacha or have no time to look after constantly the flower beds, that is sense to plant exclusively unpretentious perennial plants which at competent configuration will look very effectively. For example, bergenia, sedum, daylily, astilba, peonies, hosts. Good option are the hvoynik who are perfectly worrying severe winters, and dekorativnolistvenny bushes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
