The bar – construction material which is used for construction of houses goes for overlappings and production log before laying of floor. On sale there are three types of bar with various technical characteristics and the sizes on which the price depends. To buy cheap wood quite perhaps if to make it in advance, but not in the peak of season of construction.
1. If you are going to save and buy bar cheap, address on power-saw bench in cold season when construction material is in the smallest demand, it is prepared for the future and stored in warehouses in huge number. As soon as snow thaws and will dry up, the bar will significantly grow in price, and it will not be possible to get it cheap.
2. One more option of purchase of cheap bar to use advertisements in mass media. The remained construction material after construction of the house is quite often sold at lower price. In certain cases economy makes up to 50%.
3. Just made bar with initial humidity of 80-90% is always much cheaper, than construction material with the same characteristics, but dry-through. Therefore if you prepare for construction in advance and you have time accurately to put bar under canopy and to dry, you buy it much cheaper. But at the same time there can be also some difficulties as the bar of natural humidity can crack when drying which you should caulk or finish. Getting dry bar, you will be able to avoid these problems, but it is necessary to pay for it much more expensively.
4. The pro-thinned-out and glued bar has the high price as production on production rather difficult and costly. For example, the pro-thinned-out bar is banished on the special machine, processed anti-septic tank that cracks have not appeared, dried slowly in the special camera. The glued bar is done of boards, covered with fire-prevention structure and anti-septic tank. Therefore you will only manage to save in case you buy construction material at second hand when it remained after completion of construction. But such way of acquisition of large number of bar very difficult. As a rule, individuals have remains in small amount therefore it is necessary to look for the necessary cubic capacity of cheap bar long enough.