Neyler is the assembly gun intended for swamping of nails of a different type. Neylera use at repair and finishing of rooms, in furniture production, in the woodworking industry.
Types of assembly guns
The pneumatic neyler is the most widespread type of nailing guns. Various purpose and toporazmer have air assembly guns. Their opportunities vary from work with thin small pins before nailing up of nails more than two centimeters and 4-5 millimeters long in the diameter.
Compressed air is necessary for exploitation of such neyler therefore to bring them to operating condition, the compressor is required. It will be simple to pick up it because producers most often specify rules to efficiency of the compressor and volume of receiver.
It is possible to work with pneumatic neyler in damp rooms, in the closed space and in the explosive environment.
Minus of pneumatic neyler is that it is necessary to connect hoses of the highest pressure to them. It can hold down several movements in the course of work. One more lack of such construction guns is their dependence on power supply. Though under some pneumatic neyler release the compressors supplied with accumulators. Gas assembly guns – tools in which energy of explosion of air-gas consistence is used. Cylinders with gas are necessary for work of gas gun. Usually they are on sale in one packing with gun. Convenience of such tool is that it is independent, its operation will not require wires and hoses, is multipurpose (powerful models can replace the perforator, the hammer, drill). The gas neyler possesses powerful impact strength that allows to work not only with tree, but also with metals, concrete, brick. The fact that during operating time with it gas exhausts are allocated belongs to shortcomings of gas neyler. Therefore the room after work with the device needs to be aired well. One more minus – the high cost of shot as it is necessary to pay for gas. Powder assembly guns work by the principle of firearms. They are used to swamping of dowels in concrete or brick. Pluses of such units are – autonomy, compactness, opportunity to apply nails of various size. Treat shortcomings of powder neyler: need for special permission to use and cleaning of the tool, complexity for operation (choice of power of cartridges, pressing power, determination of limit interaxial and regional distances).
The powder assembly gun is used for direct mounting.
The electric neyler is the weakest gvozdezabivatel who use generally for finishing finishing. Such gun is used to work with small consumables – pins and pins. Pluses of these units is that they have the small weight and the size, they do not leave exhaust, are convenient in use. Electric guns work from network or from the accumulator. The last option the most running as provides full autonomy of work.
Consider auxiliary indicators upon purchase of neyler
Choosing assembly gun, pay attention to the device for consumables. The drum contains in itself large number of nails that for certain works is great advantage. But the gun with drum has the bigger weight, than model with department store. In cassette department store less consumables are located and it is necessary to use it for less productive works. One more moment which should be considered upon purchase of neyler – adjustment of depth of swamping of nail. It can be regulated by means of the button, the lever, wheel or movement of nose. Each gun has such function not, but it is simply necessary for final models. Getting neyler, check whether it is supplied with protection against accidental start, repeated and single shot. It can be the manual safety lock or automatic contact system of release of the mechanism. Gas neyler have to be supplied with swiveling nozzle of exhaust. It allows to take away during operating time gas exhausts from the person. The nose design matters too, for example, the toothed emphasis allows to fix reliably the unit and to do adjustment fire at an angle. Models with removable nose are convenient that at wear it can be replaced. It is much simpler to work with the guns supplied with control of condition of charges. Indication of level of charge is especially relevant for models with the accumulator. Some models are supplied with LED indication of amount of the remained gas.
Models of neyler with rotary, sliding hook for suspension on belt or the woods are especially convenient.
Buying by neyler, pay attention to quality of performance of the body of the tool. It is desirable that it has been supplied with protective inserts, antiskid pads.