How to choose fan heater electric household

How to choose fan heater electric household

When choosing electric household fan heater the attention is paid to the performance, type of heating coil. The device can be equipped with especially strong body, opportunity to change air stream directions.

Electric household fan heaters are applied as reserve way of maintenance of heat in the house or the apartment. The greatest popularity is gained in off-season when there is no long-distance heating yet, and on the street becomes cold. Irreplaceable they are assistants and at departure in country house. Until the furnace heats up, it is possible to be warmed easily by means of the compact device.

Choice by the form heating coil

All models are separated into three main types:

  • with spiral heating;
  • tubular element;
  • ceramic heaters.

The first version has the small price. Heating of air is carried out at its passing through the spiral made of the special heat-resistant alloy having high resistance. At inclusion there is heating of element to very high temperatures. When choosing you remember: there is risk of emergence of naked flame at careless handling. Besides, the open spiral has small life cycle – give preference to the closed types.

If you want to get more durable and safe household fan heater, give preference to options with TEN. In it there is spiral too, but it is under tubular cover, is filled with special fillers. The last act as the insulator and the subject which is at the same time transferring heat.

Devices with ceramic elements differ in the small sizes, high efficiency. Semiconductor elements represent the pozistor concluded in ceramics. Such electric heaters use a little electricity, with growth of heating temperature use of energy decreases. Only cost belongs to shortcomings.

The choice in other parameters

Depending on features of interior of the room and personal preferences it is possible to choose stationary or mobile household fan heaters. The first are established in any part of the room, have small power. Can be equipped with hooks for fastening to wall.

Stationary are provided by the following types:

  • floor;
  • wall;
  • ceiling;

At selection the attention is paid to the producer and basic complete set. It is desirable that the electric fan heater had handles of regulation of power and rotational speed of the impeller. Excellent additions can become:

  • protection sensors;
  • drip-proof body;
  • turning gears;

Remember that each option leads to rise in price of the equipment.

How to choose on power?

Small part of fans of heat has power less than 2 kW. Such versions will approach if in the house there is aluminum wiring which is sensitively reacting to high loadings inclusion several fans, and the size of the warmed room is required at once it is no more than 10 sq.m.

More productive units will be suitable for other types. It is better to count power, proceeding from norm in 1 kW on 25 CBM. For prevention of emergence of the fire in normal sockets you should not buy the equipment with power more than 3 kW.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
