How to choose sawn timber

How to choose sawn timber

In the modern market of timber it is possible to meet products of various quality and assignment today. Not all products from tree will be suitable for construction of houses and finishing of rooms. Correctly to choose sawn timber for construction or economic needs, it is necessary to consider breed of wood, its grade and way of processing.

It is required to you

  • Tables of range of timber.


1. Take an interest in trade enterprise in grade of timber. This characteristic most affects quality of raw materials and on its cost. Wood of the first and second grade well is suitable for construction of the designs bearing the main loading and for fine finish of rooms. The third and fourth grade is pointed that timber has not undergone strict processing according to standards. They can be used only for economic needs.

2. Check compliance of the sizes of products to the existing standards and standard values. It is for this purpose more convenient to be guided by standard tables in which basic sizes of the most widespread types of timber are specified. For example, the standard sizes of bar – 100x100, 150x150 and 200х200 mm with six-meter length. Also the eaves board has the standard dimensions. Deviations in values should not exceed the established norms.

3. Pay attention to degree of humidity of wood. As a rule, distinguish two categories of timber. Wood can have natural humidity and also can be dried up (artificial or natural way). The dried-up wood is more suitable for construction jobs. Use method of visual assessment. If boards or bar long lay in the open air, wood will have more dark shade.

4. Compare materials on weight. Product with high natural humidity it is significantly heavier than those which were exposed to drying. You should not use the timber which has not passed through drying for construction of capital constructions as over time they will be deformed and crack.

5. Take the price of timber into account. The products which are qualitatively processed and dried up according to standards are about one and a half-two times more expensive if to compare them to wood of natural humidity. The dried-up timber usually stores in trade enterprises the stacks soldered in hermetic packing, but not in open form.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
