How to choose the air cleaner

How to choose the air cleaner

There are several types of air cleaners, each of which is intended for work in rooms and also cleaning of various types of air pollutions, various in size and assignment. Choosing the suitable device, it is necessary to know about the main features of climatic systems.


1. The air cleaners equipped with electrostatic filters remove only 90% of the dust which is available in it from air therefore in the house where there live asthmatics, allergic persons and small children it is better to use the air cleaner of other look. The electrostatic filters attracting to themselves dust easily wash and do not demand constant replacement.

2. If you need the device with cleaning large-scale, capable most qualitatively to clean indoor air from unpleasant smells, dust, hair of pets and other pollution, give preference to the air cleaner with the NERA-filter. The filter entering design of this device operates as continuous obstacle even for the smallest motes and microorganisms, without leaving to them uniform chance of further travel about the room. It is necessary to make replacement of filters of the air cleaner time in half a year.

3. Air cleaners ionizers do not collect dust in the device, and besiege it on the horizontal surfaces which are present at the room. Such device will save from regular replacement of filters and consequently and from additional monetary expenses. Choosing the air cleaner ionizer, be ready to regular collecting the accumulated dust by means of the vacuum cleaner or damp rag.

4. It is necessary to choose photocatalytic air cleaners to those who wish not only to clean, but also to regularly disinfect indoor air. Interaction of the sources of UF-light and catalysts entering design of the device promotes decomposition of toxic chemical compounds and destruction of microorganisms.

5. When choosing the air cleaner surely consider the size of the room in which it will be used. If you have decided to install the device to certain room, the area of its service has to correspond to room space. If you are going to transfer the device from one room to another, choose the air cleaner with area of service which will correspond to the size of the biggest room. So air in rooms will be purified much quicker and more qualitatively.

6. If you want to use the air cleaner round the clock, buy energy efficient devices. Level of this parameter is specified in the instruction attached to the air cleaner.

7. To people, not persons interested to hear extraneous noise in the house, it is better to give preference to the air cleaner equipped with night operating mode. Absolutely silent air cleaners ionizers and photocatalytic devices will become great options for such people.

8. Depending on the location, air cleaners are subdivided into floor, wall and inserted directly into the socket. Choose model correctly, otherwise the device bought by you will not cope with objectives and will be for you useless.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
