Correctly chosen orthopedic mattress guarantees not only good night rest, but also saves from many serious problems with backbone. The inconvenient bed can become the real problem, especially if on it the child with yet not developed musculoskeletal device sleeps. However before going to shop behind desired purchase, it is necessary to consult to the good orthopedist.
It is required to you
- - Shop with the good range and reputation;
- - consultation with the orthopedist and selling assistant;
- - information from the producer with product characteristics;
- - scales;
- - auxanometer.
1. The first mistake which you can make when choosing mattress is confusion in names of modern products for night rest. "Orthopedic" many call all types of the mattresses which are well supporting backbone and evenly distributing body weight during sleep. Meanwhile, it is necessary to distinguish products with "orthopedic" or "anatomic" effects.· mattress with orthopedic effect more rigid, and the orthopedist has to recommend you it surely. Usually on such coverings people with problems of backbone and kids up to 1.5 years sleep. To healthy people will sleep on such bed uncomfortablly – their muscles constantly will be in some tension.· the "Anatomic" mattress allows to relax better as it repeats all bends of body, caving in under the sleeping person. The backbone at the same time is fixed rather effectively.
2. It is possible to choose the correct orthopedic mattress, knowing for sure the weight of his future owner (or owners). Than it is more, the sleeping surface has to be that gesture. To check whether the product suits you, ideally it is necessary to lie down on it. All parts of the body have to be distributed on mattress evenly, anywhere without failing especially deeply.
3. The rigidity of "anatomic" or "orthopedic" mattress will depend on its stuffing. It is not necessary to buy product because of fashion brand, popular filler and to overpay for the strengthened block of independent springs if you are people of small weight. To you will be rather softer, but qualitative product from latex. In other words, select purchase precisely under yourself. For this purpose it is necessary to study in detail characteristics of the models provided in shop and to choose optimal variant.
4. Pay attention to some recommendations of selling assistants: • mattresses from natural or synthetic latex it makes sense to buy to people of small weight if they have no other instructions of the orthopedist.· Esli in structure of mattress latex alternates with willock; the block of independent springs (everyone contains in separate pocket) is used, that this product usually suits all healthy people with average weight.· when the weight of future owner of orthopedic mattress reads off scale for 100 kg, it is necessary to choose product of the increased rigidity. Usually such models are filled with willock and consist of the strengthened springs.· it is possible to choose mattresses with various zones of rigidity for spouses of unequal weight. There are models with so-called "memory effect": caving in under the owner, they "remember" the weight of each point of his body. Certainly, similar "clever" products will run to you into money.
5. At mattress filler selection surely make sure that the goods are certified, and materials of production differ in high ecological characteristics. Modern producers use not only the batting which have already become usual, sintepon and cotton, but also sea grass, horsehair, natural wool and some other materials. Be careful if you do purchase for the allergic person – not all fillers of orthopedic mattresses are hypoallergenic.
6. At last, evaluate the sizes of the bought mattress. Certainly, it will depend on the existing bed – the laying has to coincide precisely with it by the sizes. If you get absolutely new bed, then consider that in horizontal position you are a little longer, than in vertical. Buy product with small stock in length and not less than 80 cm wide on one person.