How to choose the size of curtains

How to choose the size of curtains

Undoubtedly, the brightest element of design of the room is registration of window space. Beautiful sets of curtains on windows emphasize style of interior, visually change space geometry, focus attention to look outside the window. Many women want to try as the designer of the housing. Independent sewing of curtains on window to the room will satisfy such ambitions.

It is required to you

  • - flexible tape measure for sartorial works;
  • - eaves;
  • - portyerny fabric.


1. Choose the pleasant model of curtains on window to the room which best of all it will decorate. For determination of the size of curtains of this model calculate parameters of window opening – width and height. For measurement of length of curtains decide on their fastening. Eaves can fasten to wall or to ceiling. When fastening eaves to wall measure at what distance from ceiling it will be.

2. Be defined what will be width of set of curtains on windows. Usually it exceeds the eaves length 2-3 times. The splendor of curtains on window to the room will depend on your preferences. For the best dimensioning of curtains hang up previously eaves. It guarantees you the accuracy of measurements. Measure distance between extreme left and extreme right provisions of hooks of eaves. This size will be eaves length.

3. Use the following proportions for determination of width of fabric of sliding curtains depending on the eaves size. At the eaves size up to 1, 4 m width of one panel of fabric is equal to 1 length of eaves; up to 2 m – 1.5 lengths; up to 2.8 m – 2 lengths; up to 3.4 m – 2.5 lengths; up to 4 m – 3 lengths of eaves for each panel. If you need to determine fabric width not for sliding curtains, and for integral portiere, it is necessary to add 1.5 - 3 lengths to length of eaves. For dimensioning of lambrequin it is necessary to measure its expected height and length of eaves.

4. Start measurement of length of curtains – from eaves to the level chosen by you. At the uneven field or ceiling make measurement on both sides. When using drawstrings, ties, eyelets, loops measure length from the eaves. In case of use of rings measure length of curtains from them, but not from eaves. Do not forget to leave from each party 5 cm on finishing and seams. Sets of curtains on windows can reach floor, to be higher than its level or to lie on floor. In the latter case surely add to height of curtains from 20 to 50 cm from below and about 15 cm from above. Write down all sizes of curtains in notebook.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
