How to choose the street thermometer for plastic windows

How to choose the street thermometer for plastic windows

Many people change old windows with wooden frames for modern plastic windows today. At the same time they face issue of installation of the street thermometer – what device better to choose and as to fix it.

Types of thermometers

Today it is possible to buy the mechanical or electronic thermometer for double-glazed window. Mechanical are divided into two views: capillary and bimetallic (spirit and pointer). Capillary devices have the high accuracy and the small price. Instead of mercury they contain either alcohol, or other organic liquids which are painted in traditional red color.

At rise of temperature outside the window liquid in the capillary thermometer extends and narrowed at its lowering.

The bimetallic thermometer is the peculiar mechanism with arrow reminding normal hours. It is not so exact as spirit, however its big arrow is well visible from far away. The operation principle of the bimetallic thermometer is based on properties of two-layer material from diverse metals (bimetal) to change the form under the influence of temperature. Electronic street thermometers have thermometer appearance with the digital display in the translucent glass body. They are installed exclusively outside the window and are capable to remember information on the maximum and minimum temperature. Electronic thermometers work from solar batteries which power is enough even for cloudy weather. The cost of such thermometers is much higher, than the cost of mechanical devices, however it is more convenient to mount and exploit them.

Installation of the street thermometer

Modern thermometers for plastic windows are installed on window profile of double-glazed window by means of the special holder. Before installation of the thermometer it is necessary to check window regarding pollution and to remove them. On the installed device direct sunshine, waves of external blocks of conditioning systems and also radiation from other sources of heat should not get.

After installation of the street thermometer wait about half an hour – only later this time it will begin to show exact temperature.

Accuracy of temperature shown by the thermometer will depend directly on its correct installation on double-glazed window. It is desirable to put the street thermometer for plastic windows from North side. It is also necessary to trace that the device has been reliably protected from rain and strong wind. If installation is carried out in owner-occupied dwelling, the street thermometer has to be installed at distance of at least ten meters from the earth.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
