How to clean the heat exchanger in the geyser

How to clean the heat exchanger in the geyser

The heat exchanger – one of basic elements of the geyser which is responsible for transfer of heat of the burned-down gas to water through thin metal walls. Perhaps, the biggest problem of geysers is scaling on inside face of tubes that is connected with poor quality of water which, as a rule, is not exposed to preliminary cleaning.

1. In process of increase in quantity of scum the overall performance of column up to its exit decreases out of operation. Without having experience of repair of the gas equipment, you should not undertake cleaning of the device, it is better to address experts.

2. You make elimination of scum in the heat exchanger by method of chemical washing during which merge the heat carrier (water) from contour in the beginning, then clean mud filter.

3. Connect the heat exchanger to special installation by means of which the contour is filled with reagent solution. Upon termination of cleaning works wash away reagent, its remains subject neutralizations, again wash with water. Neutralization of residues of reagent is made, as a rule, by means of special solution with the increased alkali content then the fulfilled liquid can be merged in the sewerage.

4. In house conditions the cleaning of the heat exchanger of the geyser is made in the following sequence. In the beginning disconnect it from column and place in specially prepared capacity filled 10% with solution of citric acid. That to receive it, it is necessary to part 100 grams of powder of citric acid in liter of warm water.

5. Then fill in solution in the pipeline of the heat exchanger and leave for 10-15 minutes then the used liquid can be merged, and carefully to wash the pipeline with flowing water. If the result has not satisfied you with something, then repeat all over again.

6. With removal of soot everything is much simpler. It appears on external walls of the heat exchanger because the torch in due time has not been purged. For removal it is also necessary to remove the heat exchanger and to place in the container with solution of synthetic cleaning agent and, 10-15 minutes later, it is good to clean surface soft brush then to place under stream of flowing water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
