Gazebo in garden or at the dacha – the favourite vacation spot of members of household. If this construction is executed brick, it will be more durable, than wooden analogs. In construction of brick gazebo there are several nuances which knowledge will allow to avoid mistakes in structural design and performance of work on its construction.
Advantages of brick gazebo are obvious: it is durability, durability, esthetics, lack of special leaving. But it is impossible to forget also about some shortcomings of this construction. First, the brick – material heavyweight, therefore, construction will demand the solid base that will entail additional expenses. Secondly, construction of such gazebo will demand skills in laying, will be longer and labor-consuming, than in case with wood structure.
Planning of brick gazebo
At first it is necessary to think over the concept of future building. The brick gazebo has to have at least one open party. The others can be made either continuous, or laid out half wall heights. The brick can be present also only at rod posts of gazebo on which its roof is mounted. Such construction can have all one party protected from wind or to be completely open.
Main stages of construction of brick gazebo
After the choice of location of future gazebo start site marking according to the plan of the building. Columns, piles, concrete tape or monolithic plate can serve as the base for heavy brick design. The choice of the basis depends on features of soil on the construction site. If it is saturated with moisture, installation of pier or pile foundation will be optimal solution. If underground waters deeply, it is possible to build reinforced concrete tape. The monolithic plate will be the most reliable and steady base for brick gazebo. For filling of tape or plate it will be required to execute the following list of works: soil alignment, marking, forming of trench or ditch of 35-40 cm in depth with the subsequent alignment of bottom, dumping of 5 cm of layer of sand, its tamping and alignment, dumping of gravel or crushed stone layer 10-15 cm thick, its tamping and alignment. Further, start mounting of timbering. For this purpose it is possible to use any sawn timber with smooth plain surface from which knock together boards on base height. From outer side the timbering is strengthened the strong bars buried in soil. Then mount the reinforcing framework. For this purpose it is possible to use armature with a diameter of 6-8 mm. Armopoyas represents the grid made of the vertical and horizontal bars connected among themselves. Further, make underpouring. When the base for gazebo is ready, start construction of wall and rod posts. Work is performed according to the plan of the building. Most often in brick gazebos build brazier, fireplace or barbecue. These constructive parts build first of all. For laying use red finishing brick, for fire chamber – silicate. After wall construction and columns start mounting of roof. It can be either flat, or twin. More simply in the device and the second is more convenient in operation. Its mounting requires bar with a section of 10/10 cm for the top binding and board for rafters not less than 3.5 cm thick. The rafter system is waterproofed roofing material over which stack facing roofing material: ondulin, professional flooring, metal tile.