New year almost at all is associated with miracle, wait for this holiday as any another. Gifts for friends and relatives purchased, are carefully packed into brilliant brown paper or the special boxes acquired occasionally. Product stocks "are thought thoroughly over that there has lasted for all days" and, respectively, menu. Guests are invited. The dress is chosen and also dresses of members of household are captiously examined. It seems everything is ready to long-awaited holiday. On the contrary, it was necessary to decorate fir-tree and to prepare the apartment by New year.
It is required to you
- - Fir-tree;
- - fir-tree paws for wreaths and fir-tree daisy;
- - cones;
- - toys;
- - daisies;
- - cardboard;
- - scissors;
- - needles;
- - threads;
- - fishing line;
- - adhesive tape;
- - wool;
- - needles;
- - salt;
- - materials for hand-made articles and decoupage;
- - candles.
1. Decide on fir-tree – the main decoration of New Year's Eve. (It is only this way told – New Year's Eve, in fact our people decorate Christmas tree by Catholic Christmas and do not remove about Old New year.) Decide in what room it will stand. Probably, it is correct to put fir-tree in the living room, but often for these purposes the nursery is chosen. If you are going to note, then the first option is more preferable. Solve, the live or artificial fir-tree will please you this year. Even adherents of the ideas of resource-saving hardly something will object to fir-trees in tubs which do not dry from the middle of January on garbage cans, and carefully land in the next suburb that over time grow up in high slender beauties. The last years fir-trees in tubs have turned into the real trend conceding unless to artificial. Pluses of these nylon symbols of holiday are that they should not be bought every year, and then "to razvoploshchat" under regret of adult members of household and tear of kids. It is not necessary to carry to land or suffer from remorse anywhere if in time it to make it has not turned out and the tree has already begun to shower needles that indirectly indicates dying off of small backs. Still the artificial Christmas tree is not so attracting for cat, besides under it it is not necessary to sweep five times in the course of the day and to shout to children that were not trampled down and did not carry socks or soft slippers of needle on all apartment. Minus such fir-tree only one, but very powerful – has it not real.
2. Issue the room where there will take place the New Year's celebration and also all apartment in the spirit of holiday. As ornament purchased daisies can be chosen – now hot topic - monochrome, that is, daisies are chosen one color suitable interior, but do not blink raznotsvety. By the way, on fir-tree there can be identical toys too. For example, white or red spheres on the corresponding satin ribbons. Of course, if in family there are small children, then it is better to issue fir-tree in traditional style – with abundance of various fantasy toys. But "adult" New year can quite dare to be made such. One more option of decoration of fir-tree is to leave it in general without toys. Weld 50 percent salt solution and spray it on branches. When water dries, the fir-tree will become covered with "hoarfrost". Certainly, this way it is not necessary to act with live tree in tub at all. Subsequently precipitation will wash away salt raid, but some knots are injured. Attach by means of the unbent paper clips to "snow" fir-tree the real fir cones – hardly among your guests there will be the one who does not recognize this tree as one of the most stylish what only he happened to see.
3. Cut out from white cardboard big traditional snowflakes (or from red – nice cockerels, their year comes), and then suspend under ceiling on grove. From draft or just air stream from window leaf they will rock, kind of filling the room with the fantastic movement. As the duplicating elements of window it is possible to decorate with the figures origami suspended in the same way. And here the snowflakes which are cut out from napkins and pasted on glasses by the paste welded from starch as it was done still by our grandmothers, do not look any more is modern. Add plain laconic cardboard jewelry with the white shelf decorated in New Year's style hang out under it red socks for gifts – registration of the room of format "light" is ready.
4. If you want to make something more difficult – lay up fir-tree branches and in several places hang out the Christmas wreaths bound by the same satin ribbon by what you have tied up Christmas balls. Design refrains – it is stylish. Only do not touch with quantity of decor – tapes, it is a little cones and some color accent – it in principle for wreaths enough. Instead of them it is possible to make fir-tree daisy, for fastening having used any glue or adhesive tape. Essence of registration of daisy same – the main thing not to do it coarse. Holiday – holiday, and nobody cancelled good taste. However, if you want violence of color, be consecutive, - it has to be in everything. Then forget about monochrome and minimalism, let the variety of colors reign in your New Year's room! Arrange the real festive kitsch, the main thing – that the New Year's interior did not enter dissonance neither with your mood, nor with mood of the invited guests.
5. Decorate the room by New year, not only varying color accents, but also adding some parts which are strongly associated merry Christmas. Absolutely no matter, you adhere to Catholicism or you are orthodox Christian, in the room where you will celebrate, also gingerbread lodges with kind of the sun blind and roofs which have become covered with hoarfrost from icing, and the toy copies of cervine teams made with own hands, and lithographs with classical biblical scenes are appropriate. New year – secular holiday, it out of religious faiths, and already if has gone to that, in his "primogenitors" - ancient pagans therefore what parts of interior belong to Catholic Christmas and what – to the Orthodox Christian in most cases does not play serious role. For example, in the room decorated by New year, reprints of the same lithographs will look very relevant on the bottles issued in technology of decoupage. Thrust in such bottles of candle, light, let's them burn through a little that the melted wax drops and smudges has fallen to the drawing, place such candlesticks about the room – and the Christmas decoration of the dwelling can be considered finished.