If at your place the set of wooden old things has collected, they can be not dumped, and to use for dressing of the house. This article will tell how by means of panel boards it is possible to make finishing of walls in the hall, the living room, kitchen or even the bedroom.
1. For a start it is necessary to pick up furniture which can be used as such unusual ornament. Excessively old wood will be better to be sent after all to junk, same it is possible to tell also about rotten material. Other pieces of wood can be turned into the panels perfectly suitable for the general dressing of various rooms. By means of these panels you will be able to hide shortcomings of the available wall-paper also. By means of panels it is possible to capture L-shaped wall which is located in the living room. For upper part of this element it will be best of all to select those panels which are similar more or less on color, and here it will be below possible to lay also panels of absolutely various flowers. If desired it is possible even to create the whole color scheme from panels.
2. It is necessary cut all wooden old product on the panel, at the same time, length of each of panels has to be about 25-30 cm.
3. Begin to attach them to wall so that the corner turned out, apply for this purpose nails, and in case of need – various gluing tools. The most interesting pattern can act as additional element by means of which it will be possible to decorate the room. However, it can be made as by means of multi-colored panels, and to go otherwise – to paint the available panels, and then to put ornament.
4. That panel boards kept exactly, it is necessary to make additional support of wall. It is necessary to install small blocks from wood under that sheet of gypsum cardboard to which you will begin to beat panels, thus, you prevent damage of structure of walls.