How to dismantle Split

How to dismantle Split

Dismantling Split system - rather difficult task demanding certain skills and the special equipment. Only professional masters can guarantee that your conditioner will not lose the working capacity. Besides at the wrong dismantling the freon which is in Split system can evaporate. Therefore it is recommended to trust works on removal of blokovkonditsioner to experts.

It is required to you

  • - screw-driver;
  • - "nippers";
  • - manometer;
  • - hexagonal wrenches.


1. Include Split system in the cooling mode. Connect the manometrical station to port of low pressure of the external block of the conditioner.

2. Block high-pressure port, having turned the valve located on the external block Split system. As forcing of freon at the closed high-pressure port is impossible, the compressor will work only on "всос". At the same time the compressor will pump over all coolant in contour of the external block Split system.

3. You watch closely pressure in contour. As soon as the arrow of the manometer falls to zero, it is necessary to block quickly the port of low pressure located on the external block Split system. At once deenergize the compressor.

4. Disconnect Split system from current network. Disconnect electrical wires.

5. Turn off pipes from external and internal blocks of the conditioner. Dismantle draining.

6. Cut off pipes of internal and external blocks Split system by means of nippers. This way will help to seal reliably the pipeline and to prevent hit of dirt, dust and small garbage. If for cutting of pipes you used any other tool - for example, the pipe cutter - that for sealing of pipes should be made and installed special stubs.

7. Turn off mounting screws and dismantle the external Split system block. At removal of the external block it is necessary to observe extreme care. The weight of the block can reach 60 kg. Besides, its centroid is a little displaced. Therefore it is recommended to perform this work together.

8. Accurately unfasten the latches fixing the internal block of the conditioner on the mounting panel and remove it. Dismantle the mounting panel.

9. If you are going to store the knock-down conditioner for a long time, then in the internal Split system block it is necessary to pump nitrogen.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
