How to draw room interior

How to draw room interior

It is necessary to draw interior in order that it was possible to imagine visually how it is necessary to arrange the room, how exactly it will be decorated. And in order that it is correct to calculate everything and then not to be disappointed in result, it is necessary to learn correct creation of interior of the room in the drawing.

It is required to you

  • computer;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • eraser


1. Starting drawing, you remember what architectural forms of the room and the equipment of these rooms understand as interior so that everything has been among themselves interconnected and is harmonious. Imagine for a start normal box or draw it on paper. On the distant end define it the place for door. It will be entrance to the room. It should be noted it according to the following scheme: provide that you cost in this room, the level of your eyes has to be approximately at the height of three quarters of this door.

2. Now provide that the distant face of box is opposite wall of the room at which you look. Level of eyes, so and all lines going to space have to pass in the middle of wall at the level of your eyes, noted on door. It will be called descent point.

3. To turn internal space of this box into interior, it is necessary to draw walls, floor, ceiling and windows. All of them have to is on lines which pass through descent point. Now it is possible to place, according to these lines and already drawn windows and doors, furniture in the room. For this purpose it is possible to use the special computer AutoCad program. In it in three-dimensional space it is possible to draw everything: as there has to be furniture what length and width it has to be with what elements of decor it still can be combined. Advantage of work on the computer is that, creating the drawing in three-dimensional space, you can twist, consider it with ease in all its aspects and move as if you already are in the real room.

4. Do not forget interior to paint in the drawing and numerical values. Such as height from floor to ceiling, the total area of the room, diagonal from one wall to another, etc. It will help you to represent more precisely objects and scenery and also will allow you to calculate how many at you the useful area and how many square meters you are able to afford to occupy in this room not to overload it with excesses.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
