The convenience and appeal of personal plot in many respects is defined by its exterior, intra house constructions and fence. It is possible to use any decorative elements for decoration of garden and kitchen garden.
1. Lay the path executed from rubble or decorative stones, concrete tiles to the house. For this purpose the available trodden footpath fill up with sand layer no more than 10-15 centimeters. Lay on it construction materials in any order. Outer edges of extreme stones have to be parallel to the borders noted in advance. Do not stack them symmetrically, the asymmetry looks more beautifully.
2. Water footpath, trying not to wash away sand. If stones are laid irregularly, can enclose under them the earth and fill up with one more layer path surface. Seed grass which will fasten laying. Do not forget it to tonsure, greens grow quickly.
3. Make continuous pedestrian paths and access roads of concrete, bulk materials. The cheapest are gravel, crushed stone, slag. Carefully stamp structure of covering and roll.
4. Choose protection, proceeding from architecture of the house. You can use the wooden fence or brick design. The durability of fence is defined by life cycle of rod posts. Paint construction in any color at will, you watch that paint was applied evenly.
5. Try to establish reservoir, pond or the pool. It is not obligatory to choose designs for swimming, it is possible to breed small fishes or just to make them entertainment for children. It is necessary to dig deepening for construction carefully that the earth was not showered.
6. Arrange for children swing, sandbox, tent in the territory of the yard. Choose for this purpose the dry solar place. You can make site of the stamped sand, smooth face checkers, but it is the best of all to use lawn for this purpose. Put garden benches, hang up birds feeders.
7. Plan placement of economic blocks, greenhouses, hotbeds. Land vegetables on beds and cultural plantings, fruit-trees. Define where there is North and South side of residential building. On shady side parsley, onions, garlic well grow, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. are photophilous.
8. Put bath in the territory of the site or establish hot shower. You can part beds, think up for them effective frames. Sometimes they are made in the form of vases or figures of animals. Well the green hedge from bushes and flowers looks.