How to establish the greenhouse from polycarbonate

How to establish the greenhouse from polycarbonate

Establishing greenhouses on sites, gardeners protect plants from adverse weather conditions. Before work it is necessary to prepare carefully the site on which there will be object. Greenhouses from cellular polycarbonate have metal framework which needs to be collected and established before material stretch. After stretch of cellular polycarbonate the amateur gardener can land to the greenhouse of plant.

It is required to you

  • ready framework from metal section, sheets of slate, wrenches on 8 mm, sharp knife, screws, shurupovertlist of cellular polycarbonate 4 mm thick, bar of 100*100 mm, or 150*150 mm, wood saw, self-tapping screws on tree


1. Choose the place where the greenhouse will be located. It is the best of all to place it in the depth of the garden site, at distance of 10 m from constructions and 3 m from bushes of raspberry, apple-trees and other fruit trees. Try to choose the place which is rather lit and without drafts. For increase in warming up establish the greenhouse so that its long party looked at the South.

2. Prepare the chosen site. For this purpose remove on shovel bayonet fertile soil layer on all square on which there will be greenhouse. Remove roots of plants from the earth. Pile the removed soil and leave for 12 months. Take sheets of slate and bury them around future boards of the building at 30-40 cm. It will protect roots of plants from long-term weeds.

3. Collect greenhouse framework. Begin with faces. Mount them in turn. Record the top edge arch and edge struts on door frame by means of bolts. Attach edge racks to arch and struts. At face record bolts intermediate struts. Mount intermediate arches and intermediate racks by means of bolts with longitudinal struts. Establish face horizontally. Collect the second face by analogy.

4. Connect all remained arches and the second face among themselves consistently through longitudinal struts. Carefully to tighten bolted connections key. The framework is ready.

5. Make the base under the greenhouse. Decide on width and length of the building. Make marks in bar and saw it. Establish the base, having buried it on half of width of bar. Fix greenhouse framework on the base by self-tapping screws on tree.

6. Take sheets of polycarbonate and from above cover with them framework. Check compliance of width and length, to the basis sizes. Fix material by screws, using the screw driver.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
