How to fertilize orchids

How to fertilize orchids

The majority of orchids are epiphytes. On biological features they differ from traditional houseplants and demand special care. Ways of fertilizing of orchids also have the nuances which depend on look and physiological condition of plant.

It is required to you

  • special fertilizer for orchids


1. It is possible to fertilize orchids in several ways. Their choice depends on look and condition of plant. Fertilizer together with watering by method pogruzheniyaetot method is used for plants with the healthy root system and enough roots. When watering plants in the container with water add special fertilizer for orchids to concentration in? it is less, specified in the instruction to medicine not to allow chemical burn of roots. Submerge pot with plant in fertilizer solution for 5-10 minutes, take out from capacity, let's flow down to residues of water and put in cachepot or on pallet.

2. Fertilizer according to leaf, or extra root podkormkaetot method is used as specific element, alternative at shortcoming, and also for the weakened plants which have no roots. For extra root fertilizing use the special fertilizers produced in tanks with spray or standard fertilizer for orchids. When using normal fertilizer prepare concentration 3-4 times weaker specified in the instruction, spray leaves and bulbs of plants, trying not to allow hits of moisture in growth point.

3. At selection of fertilizer consider season and condition of plant. For orchids with accurately expressed dormant period during active growth (in the spring and in the summer), choose fertilizers with high content of nitrogen, at the end of the vegetative period – phosphorus, and in the winter - do not fertilize in general. Orchids which have no expressed dormant period, for example, phalaenopsis fertilize each 2-3 watering during the whole year, alternating various fertilizers.

4. It is impossible to fertilize orchids the first several weeks after change and also affected with various diseases and wreckers. Fertilizing orchids together with watering, avoid substrate salinization, for this purpose use only soft water (thawed, rain, otstoyanny, boiled) and periodically wash out pots with plants flowing water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
