Garden ants often disturb gardeners. Running everywhere: on beds, on bushes, - ants do essential harm to your trees in garden and to garden plants. Use all methods of fight against unpleasant neighbors, from folk remedies before use of poisonous chemicals.
1. Moisten scouring sponge in solution of honey or jam, put on ant path and wait when ants stick around it, then lower sponge in boiled water. If ants have chosen beds on kitchen garden, then before landing of plants surely drench the earth with abrupt boiled water.
2. Ants, as well as many insects do not love pungent smells therefore you can use the help of bitter wormwood, anise, tomato, garlic or even smoked herring. Just spread out on all earth bunches with these plants, grated garlic or pieces of herring near ant slots.
3. To get rid of annoying insects, it is possible to dig over as often as possible the earth, thereby you ruin their slots, and they should look for the new house.
4. Near slots spread out the tablets "Antimol" or pieces of chalk from cockroaches of Mashenk. Make the poisoned delicacies for ants. For example, to mix 5 g of yeast with 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, to add solution drills, to mix and to spread out ready weight near slots.
5. One more effective national way of disposal of ants is salt water. Dissolve in bucket of half-pack of food salt and it is abundant water ant slots and also the nearby earth.
6. Fruit-trees can be saved by means of adhesive tape from flies or double-sided adhesive tape. Just wind tree trunk with tape and to it not only little wreckers, but also various bugs and caterpillars will stick.