While the owner of the site fights for harvest, the garden ant starting huge families and ant hills can spoil all picture. Having got rid of this insect, it is possible to sigh quietly.
Ants are dangerous wreckers on kitchen garden, promote appearance of numerous plant louse, and it conducts to the fact that the harvest will decrease or will disappear at all. The ant hill can wander from one place on another. In hope to quickly destroy all ants you should not water randomly the earth with toxic chemicals, it is possible to destroy the planted plants. Ants are very hardworking and to remove them not easy.
How to get rid of ants
There are different ways. It is possible to water ant hills with salt solution, but that it did not get on plants. Also apply solution of soda, vinegar in proportion of 3 tablespoons on 1 l of water. It is known that ants do not like smell of needles, wormwood and garlic: it is necessary to weld wormwood infusion, to add it to ant hills, in a day to place cut garlic segments there. The broken fir-tree branches will be also effective remedy – they should be spread out in those places where ants live.
Good means is the sunflower oil which has remained after frying. It is poured out in ant hill. After that it is possible to notice that the quantity of ants has considerably decreased. It is possible to mix sugar or honey with boric acid, and also to decompose in places of circulation of ants.
Ants eat milk of plant louse who destroys fruit-trees, berries and vegetables. This milk is the main food for ants. In turn, the plant louse has benefit from friendship with ants too – they serve as "security guards", protecting plant louse from other wreckers, and even postpone females of plant louse to winter in the ant hill.
Therefore it is necessary to struggle with plant louse or at least to exclude contacts of plant louse and ants: to wind foil around tree trunk so that edges were keen (the ant will not scramble on it). It is good to use adhesive tape from flies, it is reeled up on trunk too, and the ant will not reach plant louse to eat. For bushes it is possible to use the tire cut lengthways and passed through bush. Water and this obstacle is poured into it ants will not pass.