Insects are integral part of the nature. They are not simply not casual, they — are necessary for ecological balance. But, unfortunately, some of them are capable to deliver great deal of trouble to people, carrying to causative agents of serious illness, destroying product stocks, books, furniture, things.
Bed bugs always live in the dwelling of the person. They live in slots, under wall-paper, there where they have departed from wall, in mattresses, in wall carpets and tapestries, behind plinths. The neighbourhood of these insects is dangerous to the person — bugs eat human blood, in passing bringing the saliva in wounds. The place of sting itches and on it the blister is formed. They can have any disease.
Bugs get to the apartment on clothes of the person, with furniture, run across from neighbors. By the way, in search of food, bugs are capable to overcome long distances. Having got to the dwelling, insects at once lay eggs from which already in several days, bugs appear. It is not necessary to hope for their self-destruction because they live about two years, and to destroy bugs completely quite troublesome.
If in the house bugs were got, first of all it is necessary to examine carefully all possible places of their dwelling. It is necessary to check backs and legs of upholstered furniture, carpets (and even loops on which they hang), plinth, seams of floor coverings. Often bugs it is possible to find under linoleum. Covers of books, magazines and notebooks are also subject to obligatory check.
To etch bugs as cockroaches, airing the apartment when on the street subzero temperature, does not turn out. Here more radical methods are necessary. Well liquid and aerosol medicines, especially "Carbophos" help. This tested and effective remedy which destroys not only mature individuals, but also their egg. Chemical medicines for fight against insects should be changed constantly as they cause accustoming and cease to work as it is necessary.
Repellents are medicines which apply in livestock production to frighten off bugs. Even if to wipe with weak solution furniture and objects in the apartment — bugs will disappear forever.
It is possible to exterminate bugs also in less poisonous way. This nasty thing as fire, is afraid of lubricating oil. And in order that insects have disappeared, they can miss the mark all shchelochka in furniture, to put on plinth. All places of congestion of bugs under wall-paper need to be ironed the hot iron — it will promote their destruction too.
Smells of some herbs can frighten off bugs: tansies, celandine, wormwood, chemeritsa, Labrador tea, ginseng and kalanchoe.
Before getting to work on extermination of bloodsuckers, it is necessary to secure itself against chemical vapors and toxic agents.