The sugar cheshuynitsa is small insects which belongs to group shchetinokhvostok. Lives in the dwelling of the person and in food warehouses, also the insect can be met in libraries and archives, especially if they are in the crude basement. Length of cheshuynitsa from 1 to 2 cm, body flat in the form of the extended droplet, covered with silvery scales. To get rid of insects, it is necessary to hold the complex events directed to elimination of dampness.
It is required to you
- - thermal fan;
- - chlorine-containing means;
- - copper vitriol;
- - additional air shafts;
- - insecticidal aerosols.
1. For fight against sugar cheshuynitsa hold events which will promote elimination of dampness as insects lay eggs in crude and warm places. To eliminate dampness, make additional ventilation and clean already available air shafts. Dry all damp places in the apartment by means of the thermal fan. Having dried all corners in the dwelling, you will get rid of brood of new insects. The laid eggs just will die if to deprive of them humid environment.
2. The sugar cheshuynitsa is capable to survive only at temperature plus 21-27 degrees. Carry out short-term cooling of the apartment. To make it quite just in cold season. Open all windows and balcony doors for 2 hours. It will promote not only to destruction of layings of eggs, but also will destroy adult insects.
3. Carry out clear-out of the room. Clean all corners from mold if it has appeared from constant dampness. For this purpose dissolve strong solution of chlorine-containing means, process all places, mouldy, apply solution of copper vitriol, dry the thermal fan.
4. If in your apartment there is big library, then pay it special attention that all books were in dry state. For this purpose make additional ventilation in library, open all cabinets, carry out drying by means of the thermal fan. If your racks with books stand very close to wall, then remove them on distance of 30 cm that books did not dampen from walls. Also as much as possible lift them from floor. The sugar cheshuynitsa is capable to spoil huge racks of books for several months.
5. Except drying of the room, use insecticidal aerosols. Process them all walls, paying special attention to the places subject to humidity. In two hours air the room through air flow.