How to get rid of the wireworm

How to get rid of the wireworm

The wireworm is larvae of bug which it postpones to the soil. Small yellowish worms fairly spoil harvest of potatoes, beet and other root crops. It is not so simple to get rid of the wrecker, time and forces for this purpose will be required. But at integrated approach the insects will leave your site.

The most effective way of fight – use of the medicines killing the wireworm. Buy in Entonem-F or Nemabakt shop. Specify expense of means in the instruction. What is remarkable, the substances which are part are not toxic. They improve structure of the soil that leads to increase in harvest. You bring medicine in the early spring before redigging, and then in the fall when you remove potatoes from the field.

In due time weed potatoes, especially carefully delete wheat grass and sow-thistle, roots of these plants attract bug who postpones wireworm larvae subsequently. Paths and row-spacings to tyapayta several times during the summer.

If you have on the site increased acidity of the soil, namely in it worms perfectly feel, bring limestone and a little sand since fall. You can add also saltpeter – on 1 square meter of 25 g of substance. Observe dosage, otherwise not only the wireworm, but also your harvest will die. On small sites it is possible to resort to one way of disposal of the wireworm. During landing time pour in hole water with potassium permanganate addition – solution has to be pink, but not dark. In principle, it is possible to use this option and on big fields, but there will be many work. Use baits which for certain will interest the wireworm. Cut potato or beet on two parts, wind with fishing line and put in row-spacings. In dry weather surely water. Periodically dig out and change bait. Burn worms in the furnace or on fire. You carry out fight against the wireworm together with neighbors. If you get rid of the wrecker, and they will not, in the nearest future worms safely migrate from their kitchen garden in yours. Surely remove tops of vegetable in the fall and plow up the field. In case of need you introduce mineral fertilizers. Try to avoid manure, it can become the reason of emergence of the wireworm too.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
