How to grow up a lot of potatoes

How to grow up a lot of potatoes

Potatoes, perennial from family of nightshade family coming from South America are one of the most widespread vegetable cultures. The main conditions of receiving good harvest of this vegetable it is possible to call the choice of the grade which is best adapted for local weather conditions and observance of agrotechnology.

It is required to you

  • - tubers of high-quality potatoes;
  • - humus;
  • - wood ashes;
  • - sand;
  • - boric acid;
  • - "Epin-ekstra";
  • - nitrogen fertilizers;
  • - potash fertilizers.


1. The soil for landing of potatoes begins to be prepared in the fall. Receiving big harvest of tubers will require well lit site of the friable soil on which within the last three years nightshade family did not grow.

2. Sour soil should be limed. Deeply dig over the chosen site and bring in the earth the rerotting humus at the rate of three kilograms on square meter. The good result is yielded by entering into the soil of wood ashes which will need two hundred grams on square meter. It is necessary to add coarse sand to the heavy soil.

3. For disembarkation in soil select the tubers received from the most fruitful bush of potatoes. If the planting stock is taken not from the plants which are grown up on own site it is recommended to process tubers in one-percentage solution of boric acid within twenty minutes. Before landing potatoes are matured in the lit place at temperature about fifteen degrees within month.

4. Germinated tubers can be put to the earth. If the qualitative planting stock is not enough, for disembarkation in soil it is possible to grow up potato seedling. For this purpose put the tubers sustained on light in box with the garden earth so that between tuber and bottom of box there was interval in ten centimeters. Place box with potatoes in the warm room.

5. After over earth surface there are leaves of the sprouted potatoes, take tuber from the earth and separate sprout together with roots. The tuber can be put in box for receiving new seedling, and to land the sprouts separated from it on bed.

6. Plant potatoes in the spring after the earth thaws and will dry out. Usually it occurs in the last dates of April. Tubers stack to the earth ranks at distance about thirty centimeters one from another. Leave between ranks interval not less than sixty centimeters. Potatoes fill up with three-centimetric layer of the earth.

7. The quite good result brings prelanding spraying of tubers Epina-ekstra solution. On two hundred fifty milliliters of water one ampoule of medicine will be required.

8. Care for potatoes comes down to fertilizer, watering in droughty weather and to earthing up of landings. The first time potatoes feed up in thirty grams of the nitrogen fertilizers dissolved in ten liters of water. It is necessary to do it after sprouts reach height of ten centimeters. Try to water plants so that liquid has not got on leaves.

9. The first earthing up is recommended to carry out when the potato tops of vegetable reaches height of twenty centimeters. If up to this point there is threat of frosts, it is worth hilling landings, having completely covered with earth potatoes sprouts. At normal earthing up the tops of vegetable is filled up with the soil to the level of the lowermost leaves. Feed up plants in thirty grams of the potash fertilizers dissolved in ten liters of water after the first earthing up.

10. Breaking of flowers of potatoes will help to increase harvest. It is the best of all to do it while flowers are in bud stage.

11. At the beginning of August it is possible to start cleaning of early grades of potatoes. By this time green part of bush begins to turn yellow and dry up. Some vegetable growers recommend to mow tops of vegetable one week prior to excavation of tubers. In the conditions of the seasonal dacha it is the best of all to dig out potatoes by means of pitchfork. It will reduce danger of cutting of tubers in the course of harvesting.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
