How to grow up blackcurrant

How to grow up blackcurrant

Blackcurrant – whimsical plant which yields good harvest only at the correct and regular leaving. Despite all difficulties in cultivation, currant has number of positive properties. Berries contain many vitamins, and and it is possible to do tasty tea which will help to cope with the illnesses of leaves.


1. Buy currant saplings in nursery or in specialized shop. It is undesirable to take saplings from hands. Choose high-yielding and winter-hardy grades, especially if you live in regions where early frosts and severe winters are possible. Make sure that sapling "live", having broken small branch. If it at you has turned out, and on the place of demolition there is no juice, refuse purchase better.

2. Prepare the place for landing. Choose the solar and windless site on your kitchen garden. Dig out holes of 50 cm in size in the diameter and about 30 cm in depth. The distance between bushes has to make the 1-1, 5 meter. Fertilize the soil humus (2-3 kg), superphosphate (20 g) and wood ashes – at the rate on one hole.

3. Water holes and start landing. Put exactly bush and powder roots with the earth. Some gardeners plant currant under small inclination, but it on your discretion. In principle, there is no special difference. Repeatedly water young saplings.

4. Feed up currant about two times during the season. Apply nitrogen fertilizers in the early spring (20 g of urea on bush). After blossoming has ended, water with mullein (1:6).

5. Currant – hygrophilous plant therefore water it several times a week. At scarcity of water the leaves begin to fall down, berries become much more small. When watering slightly irrigate also green part to delete dust from bush – it is not recommended to be done during blossoming.

6. Process currant from wreckers. For fight against tick use sulfur colloid at the rate of 30 g on 10 liters of water. Against plant louses, sawflies, midges apply "Carbophos" (35 g on 5 liters of water) or Rovikurt (5 g on 5 liters of water). Irrigate blackcurrant 2 times during the season for prevention or in process of invasion of wreckers.

7. Give the form to bush in the early spring and late fall. Delete all dry and not fructifying branches by means of secateurs. Do not leave more than 3-4 escapes.

8. Expect emergence of the first berries for the second year after landing, but them will be very little. In process of growth of bushes the productivity will increase. Approximately the volume of the picked berries will begin to be reduced by 6-8 year, as well as their size. During this period take care of landing of young saplings.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
