Chrysanthemum – very graceful and beautiful semi-shrubby plant which is the real decoration of flower bed in the fall as blossoms practically to the first frosts. This plant is not whimsical, and for its cultivation it is not necessary to make great efforts.
It is required to you
- - chrysanthemum seeds;
- - small pots;
- - soil.
1. Most often from seedsgrow upsome species of annual chrysanthemums and melkotsvetkovy Korean chrysanthemums, other types make multiple copies shanks or division of bush.
2. Seed annual chrysanthemums in May to the open ground at once. However, if you wish that blossoming has occurred as soon as possible, then grow up flower through seedling.
3. Seed seeds of long-term chrysanthemums at the end of January - the beginning of February because seedlings develop not really quickly and if to seed their later, then blossoming will occur only for the second year.
4. Light soil will be suitable for crops of any chrysanthemums. Make pochvosmes of the sheet earth, humus and sand, in proportion 2:1:1. on capacity bottom under seedling fill drainage from gravel or haydite.
5. Seed seeds of annual chrysanthemums on depth of 0.5 - 1 centimeter, and Korean – it is superficial, you should not close up them to the soil. Shoots will appear in ten-fourteen days. Grow up seedlings before disembarkation to the open ground at temperature not higher than eighteen degrees. Do not allow overdrying of the soil. Spray rasteniyets with warm otstoyanny water from spray. As soon as seedlings get stronger, their raspikiruyta in separate pots or plastic cups.
6. Plant seedling in flower bed at the end of May beginning of June. Choose the place solar, open. They need fertile soil, besides, these flowers do not love stagnation of water. Consider these factors before planting of young plants.
7. In the first year it is the best of all to dig out and store the Korean chrysanthemums which are grown up from seeds in the fall till spring in the basement. In the next years it is possible to leave them for the winter in the open ground as they well winter under snow without additional shelter.
8. However often it happens so that the Korean chrysanthemums which were often wintering in the open ground, lose the high-quality properties or perish. Therefore it is better to make multiple copies the pleasant grades of chrysanthemums cherenkovaniye and to dig out for the winter.