How to grow up ginger

How to grow up ginger

If you want to grow up ginger, it is necessary to know that it belongs to family of perennial grassy plants. The main feature of ginger plant is its rhizome growing underground. In rhizome of ginger all reserves of nutrients by means of which the plant can endure the adverse period of time concentrate. During the vegetative period at ginger grow new roots and new escapes appear.

That to grow up ginger, it is necessary to take small part of rhizome. It is important that it has not been overdried or frozen and also had one kidney of escape. To avoid rotting, it is necessary to process cuts activated carbon and to dry.

For cultivation of ginger the wide capacity with several openings will be suitable for water running off. The drainage layer has to make not less than three centimeters. Such preparation for landing will exclude emergence of stagnant water in the soil which can accumulate at the frequent watering demanded to ginger.

The soil should be chosen friable, for good air permeability and also saturated with nutrients. Mixes from the sheet and cespitose soil with sand are most preferable. The rhizome during landing time needs to be deepened on two centimeters and also it is enough to humidify the soil. Young escapes begin to grow in 10-15 days. Since this moment the abundant watering is carried out — the overdried soil will reduce the level of growth of ginger. It is regularly necessary to carry out after each watering scarification. During the vegetative period from the rhizome of ginger put in the spring there are several tubers at which the elevated part grows. The dormant period for ginger is the share of early autumn. If sheet escapes are tightened up, and the bush looks friable, watering should be reduced. During leaf fall the watering needs to be stopped, and at the same time it is better not to cut off elevated part — in escapes during growth nutrients which are necessary for power supply of rhizome collect. In the winter the rhizome of ginger needs to be dug out, cleaned from the soil and dry roots better to keep. Before storage, ginger should be placed in paper bag. It is better to store the received harvest in well aired room – the basement where temperature approximately from +2 °C to -4 °C is constantly maintained for this purpose approaches. The rhizome of ginger can be stored before spring in the fridge. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
