How to grow up grain

How to grow up grain

Housekeeping Hits: 132

Seed of wheat differs on terms of landing to summer and winter grades. The agrotechnology applied at cultivation depends on grade. At observance of terms of landing and the correct leaving wheat yields considerable harvest. It is most profitable to cultivate bread on big fields with mechanization application.


1. For landings winter of wheat it is necessary to prepare well fertilized soils. The field is exempted from weeds by means of special chemical means which possess continuous action. Mineral fertilizers are introduced. It is necessary to plow the field before landing.

2. Full grain which has undergone chemical treatment is sowed. Directly crops are made with use of seeders before frost.

3. In the winter on fields events for snow delay are held.

4. If the soil has been well processed from weeds, then additional works on fight against weeds is not carried out. At emergence of weeds the soil is cultivated by means of the equipment several times.

5. Cleaning of grain begins when the bulk of ears is in stage of full maturing. For the thresh of grain combines are used.

6. Spring-sown field is sowed right after descent of snow and in rather dried out soil for conclusion to fields of the equipment.

7. Before crops of spring-sown field the field is left under steam at least one year.

8. Processing of the field from weeds spend in summer-autumn the period. Application of fertilizers – just before plowing.

9. If there are weeds in crops, then the soil is cultivated by means of the special equipment.

10. Cleaning of spring-sown field as well as winter, it is made after maturing of the main quantity of ears.

11. Cleaning needs to manage to be made in dry weather as if weather rainy, the thresh of grain becomes impossible. At long remaining rainy weather the ears begin to lay down that in the subsequent complicates cleaning or makes it absolutely impossible.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
