How to grow up grapes saplings

How to grow up grapes saplings

Can grow up grapes saplings in ukryvny option everyone even if weather patterns in your area does not indulge. It is for this purpose optional to be the experienced amateur gardener, it is enough to have some knowledge and patience.


1. Choose the warmest lit place and dig out on it hole about 60 cm in size. At the same time consider that roots of the adult bushgrapesof grow, as well as rod, very strongly and get extensively up to 7 m therefore the hole with fertile soil is necessary for the initial stage of development of plant. Further roots will find to themselves power supply.

2. As it is possible cut through shovel of wall and hole bottom for simplification of penetration of roots out of its limits better. Plant sapling and it is abundant water.

3. In the first year to sapling let's develop freely and to take root well. Do not fertilize as there are enough fertilizers in the paved way. 2-3 escapes which have grown by fall, shortly cut off. For the winter cover young bush with sawdust. The fir-tree fir twigs will be the best shelter for vineyard. If it is absent, straw, or dry stalks of flowers and other plants will approach. But in this case means from rodents is required.

4. You remember, in regions with severe winter ukryvny the wave of vineyard has to be in addition covered with snow. The snow layer in 5 cm increases soil temperature by 4 degrees, and the layer in 20 cm in general interferes with soil freezing.

5. Leave raise at spring of the second year the first 4 escapes. Select two the strongest of them in the summer. When they grow on half-meter and the basis at them will stiffen, accurately incline that have not broken off. Then pasynkuyta escapes approximately on 10 eyes from the basis (60-80 cm). Leave raise two other escapes from four.

6. In the fall of the second year cut off inclined rods on 8-10 of eyes, they will go to wintering for what have been formed obliquely that they were easier to be pressed to the earth. Fill up them with sawdust. The next year on them the first clusters will appear.

7. Other two escapes which grew freely, increasing bush force, cut off shortly on 2-3 peepholes. In the spring of the third year repeat everything, also incline 3-4 strong escapes, pasynkuyta, at the same time gradually increasing quantity of eyes (10-12). Lift the bent-down rods on lane for fructification after which cut them at the basis. If desired change the direction of pasynkovy rods: year - in one party, year - in another.

8. In process of growth of bush increase quantity of inclined rods and eyes by them from which, it turns out, on 1-2 clusters of sweet grapes. Having estimated total number of eyes, regulate load of bush. Good to you harvests!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
