To grow up good harvest of remontant wild strawberry, it is necessary to use only the checked seedling acquired in nursery or from good acquaintances. Time when young bushes enter fructification time in many respects depends on quality of the landed material also.
It is required to you
- mustache of remontant wild strawberry, soil, shovel, fertilizers, water, watering can
1. Make holes on the bed prepared since fall. It is better to have them in chessboard order approximately in 30-40 cm from each other. Bring 2-3 g of double superphosphate in each hole, potash and nitrogenous fertilizers. If since fall have not filled the soil with manure – put humus which it is necessary to cover a little with earth.
2. Straighten roots at remontant wild strawberry bushes. Collect the earth at the bottom of hole in small hillock, place bush so that roots were uniformly distributed on its slopes. Powder bush with the soil, carefully stamping. You watch that "core" from which grow leaves, has not been covered with earth. If it happened – dig out it.
3. 3. Water just planted plants of remontant wild strawberry. It needs to be made that the fallen-down soil has occupied the formed emptiness backs. Besides in the damp soil intensively there is formation of the new roots promoting growth of bush.
4. Tear off the appearing buds. In the first year we have to allow wild strawberry to gain strength and also to put future points of growth. Two-three times during the summer feed up bushes solution of "Ideal" or as option, the liquid rerotting manure.
5. Keep all mustache formed in August. In need of them it is necessary to powder a little with the damp earth for improvement of korneobrazovaniye. Approximately in month the mustache can be sheared from maternal bush, to dig out carefully, without having damaged small backs and to put on other bed. If there is in the fall no time to be engaged in rassazhivaniye of remontant wild strawberry, leave it for the spring. In that case with mustache it is necessary to arrive as it has been described at the beginning of article.
6. Reap crop of remontant wild strawberry, since next summer. It fructifies from the middle of June till September. But that the harvest has ripened earlier and pleased your family before steady frosts, at low night time temperatures cover plant with film.