The rose carries the name "queen of flowers" quite deservedly. Occur among their versions: tiny, shrubby, tea and hybrid, patio, poliantovy and floribunda. If you look after correctly and in time roses, they will please you with the bright blossoming till late fall.
Rose bushes are the fine and magnificent bouquet decorating not only personal plots, but also parks, avenues, city squares.
How to plant rose bushes it is correct
Plant rose bush early in the spring when kidneys already bulk up, but frosts have passed. Before disembarkation the roots of plant dip into solution from liquid clay to protect bushes from aggressive environmental activity and fast accustoming to the soil. The root system is shortened surely by means of secateurs to 30-35 cm.
Stalks need also to be cut, but so that on each branch there were about four-five kidneys. It is not necessary to worry about scrap, on the contrary, the sleeping kidneys will wake up rather and escapes will quickly grow from them.
On stalks it is necessary to leave those kidneys from which not side, but radical escapes have grown, they also will be very strong and tall. At the correct selection of grades on your site from the very beginning of summer and to the first frosts smart bouquets of roses will be dismissed.
Care for "queen" of garden differs in nothing special, but there are some nuances. For example, unlike standard roses which in winter time turn in sheets of paper or throw with snow, rose bushes need to be covered completely as long escapes can be frozen and die.
Rules of leaving
These flowers do not demand special leaving, except the most normal, necessary for any kind of roses. Indispensable conditions at the correct leaving:
- moderate watering;
- weeding;
- sunlight;
- loosening;
- spraying from various mean insects.
Regular fertilizing out of root in the form of spraying is necessary for "queen" of garden, after that as butonchik have appeared. It are necessary that rose bushes blossomed very long and magnificent bouquet.
How to cut off roses
Cultivation of roses in the form of bush demands obligatory cutting. Otherwise the plant will not acquire new strong branches. There are certain rules which need to be observed:
1. The rose bushes long ago planted or planted late fall subject to cutting early in the spring, and plants which prepare for landing in the spring cut off directly before disembarkation.
2. In the first year after disembarkation begin to cut off all unblown butonchik and active escapes, in the next years get rid of rather weak and damaged branches.
3. Remove those escapes which grow directly in the center of bush.
Cultivation of rose bushes gives the chance to any gardener to create smart flower ensembles, taking care for which, it is possible to prolong pleasure from contemplation of such beauty for many years.