Earlier gardeners very seldom asked question how to grow up seedling of cucumbers. But now this way becomes more and more popular.
What grades of cucumbers approach on seedling
As well as many other cultures, seeds of cucumbers can be separated into high-quality and hybrid. In most cases hybrids have the properties exceeding high-quality cultures. When choosing seeds of cucumbers for seedling packings on which there is designation F1 are preferable.
The hybrid has the following qualities:
- If in the description to hybrid there are no instructions, then it is possible to grow up cucumbers in the discovered or closed soil.
- Hybrid cucumbers do not concede on the tastes high-quality.
- Are the most resistant to the majority of diseases and to adverse factors of the nature.
- Fruits ripen practically at the same time in large number.
Upon purchase of seeds of cucumbers for seedling
Fobyazatelno needs to pay attention to their regionality. If they are not intended for the width in which will be landed, then it is possible not to wait for fruits at all.
How to grow up seedling of cucumbers
In many regions the cucumbers have got used to land at once in soil. But for the subsequent disembarkation them in soil inhabitants of northern latitudes should pay attention to way of cultivation of seedling of cucumbers. Also seedling of cucumbers is necessary also when the gardener wants to receive harvest before normal.
On question when to plant seedling of cucumbers in soil, there is exact answer — in 30-35 days after landing of seeds.
At change it is necessary to pay special attention to root system. Any damage will kill plant. Therefore it is worth planting seeds for seedling in special peat containers. If there is no opportunity to get torfoblok, then it is possible to take sleeves from toilet paper and to plant cucumbers in them. Paper with ease will be dissolved in soil and roots without problems will be able to sprout through sleeves.
It is necessary to plant seeds of cucumbers on seedling in certain time:
- For the southern regions — from the middle until the end of April.
- For northern regions — after May holidays.
- If desired to receive early harvest of cucumbers it is necessary to plant seedling for 2 weeks earlier. The same terms put for those who want to grow up cucumbers on the balcony.
The ideal soil for cucumber seedling is considered subacidic or alkaline. The pH value has to be at the level from 5.5 to 6.5.
It is established that seedling at cucumbers perfectly grows in peat pochvosmesa. Therefore it should be got.
Before seeding cucumbers, it is necessary to prepare them:
- To warm up.
- To pickle.
- To process growth factors.
- To wet.
Warming up
Cucumbers have pistillate and men's flowers. At warming up of seeds it is possible to receive further pistillate flowers. For this purpose it is necessary to Lower seeds in thermos with the water having temperature of 55 wasps and to hold for 15-20 min. Also it is possible to warm up seeds, having hung up in rag sack over the battery. It is necessary to keep them in such state from 6 to 10 days.
One more way to warm up seeds of cucumbers is to hang up them over plate for 3-4 days.
It is necessary to warm up only high-quality seeds of cucumbers. If there is packing of hybrid seeds, then most likely in them emergence of female flowers in advantage will be already put.
It is necessary not to allow emergence on the root system of black leg or decayed. It is enough to lower seeds for 30 min. in solution of potassium permanganate of pink color. It will save cucumbers from death.
Processing by stimulator
As growth factors it is possible to use the following:
- Aloe juice.
Semyon needs to be killed, strictly observing the instruction. After the procedure it is necessary to dry them.
It is necessary in order that seeds have quicker sprouted. Seeds of cucumbers need to be turned in gauze or other material capable to detain water. Water for soaking has to be comfortable, about 20 wasps. After soaking they need to be covered with polyethylene and to put on the battery. If necessary it is necessary to make water filling-up. As soon as it is visible that seeds have arisen, they can be landed.
How to plant seedling of cucumbers
It is possible to plant seeds of cucumbers for seedling only in previously warmed up soil. Before jumping the earth needs to be moistened with water of room temperature. The arisen seeds need to be planted in one pot on 2-3 sunflower seeds. Depth of landing should not exceed 2 cm and not to be less than 1.5 cm.
To receive harvest of cucumbers all summer, it is worth planting seeds on seedling parts with intervals in 5-7 days.
It is important to watch the further temperature of the soil where sprout cucumbers. If it is on mark lower than 17 wasps, then seeds will not ascend. In the cold soil with temperature not higher than 19 wasps it is worth waiting for shoots for the 10th day. If temperature condition is at the level 20-25oC, then the first shoots can be seen no later than the 8th day. If the mark is on indicator 25-27os, then sprouts can be noticed for the 3rd day.
It is possible to plant seedling in soil after the first present sheets have appeared.