To grow up watermelon on the personal plot, it is necessary to create favorable conditions.
1. Long since watermelon was famous for the valuable qualities. This sugar berry is capable to satisfy thirst in hot day. Watermelon is widely applied in dietary power supply, possessing diuretic, anti-toxic and all-strengthening actions. It is possible to grow up watermelon at the dacha and in average climatic strip, but for this purpose it is important to create optimal conditions of the environment. The correct agrotechnology and regulation of microclimate in the greenhouse will help to grow up fragrant, sugar watermelon. The first and main condition is the right choice of the zoned seeds. It is necessary to choose early grades with the short term of maturing. For amicable emergence of shoots the seeds need to be warmed up in warm water (t-60ºС) within two hours then they are couched at temperature 40ºС in wet towel wipes, having placed it in plastic bag. After prorashchivaniye the seeds sow to the greenhouse or in hotbed.
2. We prepare gruntpochva prepare from humus, the prime cespitose quality land and large amount of bank sand. Addition of wood ashes lowers acidity of the soil that positively affects growth and development of plant. The soil has to be high-fertile, structured, air and moderately dry. It is desirable to make high ridges which will be blown, get warm from all directions, and there will be no danger of overwetting of the soil when watering. Obligatory mulching by straw.
3. It is desirable to carry out crops by germinated seeds to soil. Cultivation by seedling method with the subsequent change strongly harms plant, seedling long takes root and lags behind in growth. Such behavior was caused by the structure of root part of plant. And as the watermelon plant extremely photophilous, in house conditions at cultivation of seedling culture is strongly extended. We sow to the greenhouse at the end of April, at warming up of the soil to 15ºС. That the plant comfortably felt, in the greenhouse maintain air temperature not lower than 25-28 degrees.
4. Forming of water-melon lash promotes receiving harvest in zones with cool weather conditions. Watermelon is formed in one stalk, deleting all side escapes at the height up to 50 centimeters and also escapes on which formation of ovaries is not observed. We leave no more than 2-3 fruits, we delete the others. After emergence and growth of two watermelons, prishchipyvat the top of the main stalk.
5. Fertilizing is carried out to the moment of the beginning of formation of side escapes and the beginning of blossoming and plodoobrazovaniye. We water it is abundant, but until until the ovary has reached the size of tennis ball. Then watering is reduced and by the time of ripening stopped absolutely. Under the keeping-up watermelon we spread mulch from dry straw or board, for prevention of rotting of fruit. Let's provide uniform maturing by method of turning of fruit with different side to light. Maturing occurs in 45 days from the moment of formation of ovary. At cultivation of watermelons by seedling method it is necessary to use peat pots without the subsequent dive. To plant seedling in soil, without taking out from peat pots, without disturbing root system.