How to increase fertility of the soil in dozens

How to increase fertility of the soil in dozens

Housekeeping Hits: 122

To increase fertility of the soil, it is necessary to improve its mechanical structure. Sandy and sandy soils need clay introduction as option – the torfosoderzhashchy earth. It is necessary to add good bank sand to heavy clay soils. Improvement of structure by all means will affect drainage qualities of such soil. And sandstones will cease "to release" with ease moisture and nutrients on depth inaccessible to roots of garden cultures.

It is required to you


1. Improve drainage qualities of the heavy soil introduction of "ballast" layer. Remove fertile layer of clay soil, put it aside. On beds fill vegetable garbage – for example, sawdust of deciduous breeds of trees, the crushed bark, etc. Surely process intaviry or other means from mean insects. Return the removed fertile layer. This technology allows to improve vozdukho- and moisture exchange, that is mechanical structure of heavy soils.

2. Proizvestkuyte the soils having high pH. Introduction of lime should not be followed by gas station of organic fertilizers. If you perform one operation in the spring, you see off another in the fall. Lime application is recommended to do 1 time in 5 years. In year of its carrying out it makes sense to plant cruciferae family, they more other plants are sympathetic on lime. As practice shows, lime application allows to improve fertility of sour soils in two, and even three times.

3. Introduce organic fertilizers. If you use fresh manure – better do it in the fall. It is not enough cultures capable grow on fresh manure at its spring introduction. Squash, cucumbers and pumpkin belong to them, and manure, in order to avoid root burns, powder that with the earth. It is recommended or to dissolve manure of poultry in water and to allow it to perebrodit, or to interlay with it compost heap and to bring on beds for increase in fertility of the soil in year – when perepret.

4. Put siderata – the plants improving mechanical structure of the soil and also enriching with its mineral substances. Many bean – beans, haricot, peas, lupine concern them. Except bean the sideratam are considered oats, buckwheat, clover. They can be landed both in the spring, and in the fall. Favorable impact of these plants on the soil is explained by green material, the containing complex of minerals which at perepashka pass into the earth.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
