The flower bed is not only main decoration of the seasonal dacha, but also object of pride of his owner. The mixed motley mass of the flowers and plants of various height planted anyhow can hardly cause in someone pleasant emotions. Therefore in registration of bed it is necessary to follow some rules.
1. When choosing plants for registration of bed surely consider local climate. The alison, klarkiya, godetion, rod rose, foxglove, delphinium, Erica – at all are not afraid of cold. And here such plants as violet, fuchsia, geranium, tsinniya, lion's pharynx, dope, palm tree and Cannes, love heat.
2. If you have decided to create motley flower bed on the site, plant plants strips, alternating plants of bright colors to the plants having less bright shades.
3. In the center of bed have more tall plants. To edges of flower bed their height has to decrease smoothly. The original decision will be to plant small bush or tree in the center of bed. If the bed adjoins country house, place the highest plants about its wall.
4. Select plants for registration of bed at the dacha for terms of their blossoming. Solve what you want more: that all your bed blossomed at the same time or that it pleased you with the beauty the whole season.
5. At registration of carpet bed on which flowers grow at the same time and remind peculiar carpet, for achievement of the best result of plant it is necessary to put as it is possible more closely to each other. Flower beds of this kind look on heights and slopes more effectively.
6. Registration of edges of bed – process not less interesting, than creation of the flower bed. At first dig superficial groove around flower composition. Then fill up it with sand, crushed stone or beaten tile.
7. The border emphasizes beauty of bed, does it complete and does not allow flowers to expand out of its limits. Very interestingly the decorative borders of flower bed representing the bricks driven in such a way that their right angles form toothed frame look. As fence you can also use the wooden churbachka of the desirable size driven end-to-end to each other, or small wattle fence, made of willow branches.