How to look after fir-tree

How to look after fir-tree

If you are going to improve the site by means of fir-tree, do not hurry with purchase of saplings. Study all features of its acquisition, choice of the place on the site and features of care for this most beautiful tree.

It is required to you

  • - saplings were eaten;
  • - sand;
  • - humus;
  • - sheet earth;
  • - drainage;
  • - nitroammofoska;
  • - secateurs;
  • - boards;
  • - spunbond;
  • - garden stock.


1. Before purchase of fir-tree, study the grades suitable for your climate. Decide on the size and form of future tree, plan the site for disembarkation. Remember that some fir-trees in height reach 25 meters and diameter of krone to 5 meters. Buy saplings in specialized nurseries. Often in the spontaneous markets sell the plants which are not adapted for local climate, and all efforts on landing and leaving come to naught after the first winter when the plant freezes. Buy fir-tree sapling in plastic container. Such plants get less stress in transit and change.

2. Choose the suitable site for landing. Fir-trees have not closer than 3-4 m from each other. Dig out hole, depth twice the exceeding container height. Lay drainage haydite or pebble layer on which place soil mix where two parts are made by sand and by one part of humus and the sheet earth on bottom. Plant fir-tree from container, fill emptiness with the same soil mix. Do not condense the soil after landing, it can lead of plants to death. Together with water for watering, bring under young tree fertilizing in the form of nitroammofoska, about 100 g.

3. During the season water landings at least once a week, bringing 10-15 l of water under each tree. You monitor growth of young branches of trees, in time set it the right direction. You make cutting of fir-trees at strong thickening of branches during growth and development of tree. When you achieve the necessary form, and the tree will cease to grow intensively, stop cutting.

4. In the first year after landing cover fir-tree for the winter. It is especially relevant for decorative breeds of this tree. Build over plant small shalashik from boards and cover it with fir twigs of coniferous trees or spunbond No. 60. Remove the shelter when the threat of spring frosts passes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
