How to look after grapes in the fall

How to look after grapes in the fall

After all harvest, apparently, is reaped that all work on care for grapes is already performed. But this wrong opinion. In the fall to vineyard a lot of attention and cares is required. From that how correctly the rod will be made ready for the winter, the quantity of future harvest directly depends.

It is required to you

  • - nitrogen, potash, phosphoric fertilizers;
  • - manure;
  • - bucket;
  • - secateurs;
  • - fir twigs;
  • - boards;
  • - roofing felt;
  • - cardboard boxes;
  • - dry foliage;
  • - lutrasit;
  • - scraps of pipe.


1. Right after that as the last clusters of grapes will be collected, make fertilizing of tired plant. Apply nitrogen, potash and phosphoric fertilizers to root fertilizing. Autumn fertilizing you carry out by manure time in three-four years.

2. Water plant at least 1 time a week. Under one adult rod pour out not less than two buckets of water, one at the roots, another in drainage pipe. Stop watering of plant with approach of fall of temperature of air to 0 wasps.

3. At the beginning of September carry out autumn cutting of grapes. If grapes are planted in the current year, begin forming of rod. Leave the most powerful escape, remove with secateurs all other shoots going from the basis. Truncate the main trunk for 20-25%.

4. At scrap of long-term bush remove root one-year escapes. At the green shoots which have appeared during the summer on the main rod make cutting of tops on third of length. At stepsons remove upper part, having left 3-4 kidneys. Create future lashes, leaving two or three "sleeves" on which branches with fruitful kidneys will be located on both sides of plant.

5. Before frosts - 7-8os, remove grapes from lane and lay in the direction of growth on the spread fir twigs of coniferous trees. Pin plant to the earth and cover with old roofing felt, lutrasily or the same fir twigs. From above lay dry leaves, cardboard boxes. That the shelter has not scattered from wind, press it old boards or scraps of pipe.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
