The sonorous word carving has lodged in our lexicon for a long time. So long-term laying or wave with application of the sparing chemistry is called. Usually the carving becomes in hairdressing salon professional tools, but it is possible to try to turn into the curly beauty and in house conditions.
1. For a start attentively take a closer look at the hair. Define their type and structure. According to it choose structure for carving. It is better that hair were rather long (optimum length — to shoulders) and soft. Then the structure "will well take" hair and you will be able to achieve the necessary effect.
2. Pay attention to porosity of your hair, that is their ability to absorb moisture. Hard hair which was painted long ago and were never exposed to chemical wave, will badly absorb moisture. For them it is possible to buy means for mitigation. It is necessary to put such means before the procedure of wave.
3. Attentively read the instruction which is attached to the bought structure. Strictly follow this instruction. Follow all safety rules as derogations from them can cause unpredictable consequences for your hairstyle.
4. Carefully wash up the head. Separate thin locks and twirl them on plastic koklyushka with elastic bands or the soft hair curlers intended especially for chemical wave. Check degree of "nakruchennost" of tips, they have to adjoin to hair curlers densely. Further cause with sponge structure for wave. You watch that each lock has been well moistened. Put on special hat and wrap up the head with warm fabric, scarf or scarf.
5. Through the certain time specified in the instruction wash hair with hot water, without removing fixers. Pay attention that shampoo cannot use. Apply fixer on not untwisted hair and through certain time accurately untwist fixers. Then it is necessary to apply once again fixer and through the specified time to wash away it hot water without shampoo. Use special balm for hair care after chemical wave or normal conditioner.
6. After all these intricate procedures dry up and style hair. You should not wash the head within three days that the structure was fixed better. The carving can be done time in 2-3 months. In parallel it is desirable to use nutritious and moisturizing masks for hair. Beauty will save the world!