There are several ways to make garden scarecrow which will effectively carry out the role. For this purpose with own hand made framework, rags, old clothes is required. The scarecrow optional has to be unattractive externally, opposite, his "person" is frequent do kind and amusing.
The purpose of scarecrow is to take away from visit of kitchen garden of the most curious and importunate birds: raven, thrushes, sparrows. These birds can cause considerable damage to the gardener, abducting harvest. Berries and sunflowers are especially loved by them.
How to make framework for scarecrow?
Basis of all design – timber frame construction. As a rule, it represents the crosspiece which is hammered together from two bars. Earlier the people were content with the fact that put on it the rags unsuitable for socks. But today there is opportunity to modernize this design.
Two bars, one of which has to be not less than 2 meters long, will be necessary for production of framework. The second – a little more than a meter. This part fastens to long pole at distance of 35-40 cm from its end, forming thereby crosspiece. Then the framework is established in kitchen garden (as a rule, in its middle) by deepening method in soil. The scarecrow can be put also on roof of the greenhouse or to beat it to fence.
How to dress scarecrow?
If just to throw with rags timber frame construction and to put on cap or cap its top, the design will be unattractive. But it can be made not such lean, having wound foam rubber or sintepon around poles and having tied up it in several places. In this case the scarecrow will be more similar to figure of the person. For the head it is possible to use any linen sack of the small size filled with foam rubber scraps, rags or sawdust. On it felt-tip pen or moisture resistant paints draw "face" of scarecrow and paste (sew) ropes hair. If there is no desire to draw, instead of eyes it is possible to sew buttons and to make to them long eyelashes of skin. Then on upper part of bag (where it is tied), put on hat or cap. It is possible to tie scarf. The ready head fix in upper part of long pole. Instead of bag for the device of the head of scarecrow it is possible to take soccerball. The same way it is possible to make palms. But it is the simplest to use for them paint brushes which need to be tied strong to cross pole so that the bristle has been directed parallel to the earth. If scarecrow – the young lady, it is dressed in women's clothing, on neck hang beads, lips do by brighter. The head can be decorated with wreath from wild flowers. If the design which is frightening off birds has to look in male style, it is dressed respectively. That the scarecrow carried out the role more effectively, to hands suspend hand bells, balloons, rake, weather vane made of tin of cans. The sounds made by these objects will serve as additional protection of kitchen garden against invasion of birds.