Each house begins with entrance therefore the porch defines the first impression about it. Each owner tries to enclose identity in registration of porch. That to construct it, it is necessary to have a little experience and to accurately follow the instruction.
It is required to you
- - cement slurry;
- - crushed stone;
- - metal corners;
- - brick;
- - metal.
1. For a start prepare site for future porch. If you have decided to construct new porch, at first sort old.
2. Dig out hole of 1.2 m in depth for the base. If in it sandy soil, fill up in it a little gravel, well stamp. Then on 20 cm fill up in it sand, make timbering, then fill in with concrete.
3. Make the basis for porch. From surface remove earth layer on 18-22 cm, fill up deepening with crushed stone. Fill in with water crushed stone until it does not fill space.
4. It is time to start concreting of steps. Mount timbering for each step. Only after the first step completely will dry, it is possible to start the second step. Fill up it with crushed stone in porch cavity.
5. Lift timbering above after the first became ready step, continue to do the second, etc. Corners of steps can be strengthened metal corner that they have not collapsed over time. It is rather simple to drown them in concrete solution.
6. The site of porch should be made 7 cm lower from the level of opening of door. Handrail can be mounted from any material: tree, brick, metal. But hand-rail better make them tree, for own safety.
7. If there is opportunity, cover steps with external tile. Cover porch with special solution in several layers.