If you have garden site, you, undoubtedly, have to interest ways of decoration of personal plot – and one of the most popular methods of dressing of the site is installation of garden grid. Such grid looks beautifully and accurately, it does space of your garden more well-groomed and bright. You can land further under grid of liana or ivy which will be twisted around timber frame construction.
1. For installation of grid you will need nine trellised panels with the necessary drawing and also two panels with other type of the drawing, twelve metal brackets, twelve metal flat plates and also dowels, aqueous emulsion ink in spray, and several lamps for decoration of fence.
2. In dry and windless day prepare all materials for grid for painting, and then accurately paint them from spray, trying to obtain equal and beautiful shade. For painting of grids dissolve water dispersive paint with water on third.
3. Not to soil with paint space around the painted grid, enclose under it polyethylene film. For convenience lean grid against wall. Within fifteen minutes dry each painted grid.
4. Clean spray, the gulf in it warm water and having banished water jet through spray opening. Screw together pylon from grids, having connected panels of 30 cm in size to receive rectangular three-leaved box. For connection of corners of design use metal brackets.
5. Fasten flat metal plates to backside of pylons and strengthen them on wall. Check, pylons are how exactly established. Screw grids on wall, previously having drilled openings and having inserted into them dowels.
6. Decorate pylons, having established on them illumination from low-voltage lamps which need to be screwed on the basis of grids.