Timely and adequate change of surrounding situation gives positive psychotherapeutic effect. And for this purpose it is not obligatory to leave somewhere at all – to make shift of furniture in the room enough. But at the same time it can be necessary to move the socket to other place.
Preparatory work
Before directly being engaged in dismantling and mounting, decide on the place of new arrangement of the socket. Prepare necessary tools: screw-driver, knife, flat-nose pliers. For laying of the new route it is used stroborez, however in view of the small volume of work it is possible to manage the improvised pricking-out tools – the chisel and the hammer will approach. Within room space of distance on which is necessary to transfer the socket, small. The feeding electrical wire at the same time or is shortened, or, on the contrary, it should be increased. In this case the piece of wire of the corresponding section and from the same metal is required.
Before work with electricity switch-off the automatic machine of power supply of socket group on guard or completely receipt of power supply to the apartment. Provide impossibility of its accidental inclusion with anyone!
Dismantling and installation of the socket on the new place
Sort and disconnect the socket. Define how from what party the supply cable approaches it and as it is more convenient to redirect it to the place of new arrangement (well for these purposes to have the device for search of the buried wiring). If transfer is necessary towards distribution box, make in the new place penetration to wire, cut off it, bare and install the socket. Former location to zashtukaturta, and wire it is possible to leave in wall. If new position of the socket away from the former route, you proshtrobit the site to it from the old place. Strengthen the socket. Connect to it necessary length piece of similar wire, lay it in the channel and connect by twist method to old wire. Carefully isolate to exclude contacts with solution. Zashtukaturte.
The socket for electric stove
Special attention is required by transfer and installation of the socket to which the electric stove is connected. First, they are calculated on work with the raised current capacity. If the former socket arouses at you mistrust – it burned, with cracks or with chips – it needs to be replaced.
Buy the special socket calculated on current intensity in 32 A. Normal what you put for lighting equipment and the radio equipment will not approach. It is fire-dangerous!
Depending on your preferences, the socket can be put external or internal, built in in wall. The last is more compact, but will demand additional efforts on gouging and the equipment in wall of the space for it.