How to plant seedling

How to plant seedling

If you want to grow up seedling, then she needs to be put correctly. At incorrectly planted seedling of plant will be weak and can ache. Further it will affect quality and quantity of your harvest.


1. At first it is necessary to prepare the earth. It has to be easy, soft and saturated with nutrients. Household shops sell the special soil for seedling. But if you want to make it, then it is necessary to observe necessary proportions. Take it: 3 parts of prime quality land, 1 part of small sawdust of deciduous breeds of tree, 1 part of peat, add 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer. Carefully mix everything.

2. Cultivate the land and seeds weak solution of potassium permanganate. At first seeds need to be seeded in box. In phase of two real leaflets to dive.

3. It is possible to transplant seedling in boxes or in separate pots. Transplanting in boxes, to put seldom that seedling had enough nutrients. To water as required.

4. Seedling has to be in the solar, light place.

5. In soil to land when the threat of frosts in your region passes. Before disembarkation in soil, per day, seedling it is necessary it is abundant to water. After disembarkation to cover from the sun. It is necessary to water every day until the plant completely takes root.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
