How to plant tulips that they magnificently and long blossomed

How to plant tulips that they magnificently and long blossomed

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The splendor of blossoming of tulips in many respects depends not only on grade, but also right choice of the place of landing. Surely consider degree of illumination and level of groundwater occurrance on future bed.

Where it is better to plant tulips 

These bulbous look perfectly in any point of garden, but that they pleased with abundant blossoming, put them only on the site which is well lit and protected from wind. In the shaded place the tulips are extended, losing decorative effect, and bulbs quickly become shallow. When blowing bed all winds exterior of plants spoils as the result – is reduced blossoming duration.   

Underground waters on the chosen site have to lie not higher than 70 cm from the surface of the soil. In case of stagnation of melt or rain water of bulb can wet through and be surprised diseases.    

Tulips grow on any cultivated soil, but really magnificent blossoming can achieve only on light sandy soil, neutral or alkalescent, and surely rich with organic matters. Loosen heavy clay substrate, having brought sand for  aeration improvement.  

The ideal predecessor for tulips – black steam. It is the "well rested" site which remained free from vegetation the whole season. On the former place return tulips not earlier than 5-6 years in order to avoid sortosmesa, infection with onions tick and mushroom diseases. Include any cultures in crop rotation, except the having identical wreckers and disease.  

How to prepare the place for landing of tulips 

A month before expected planting of bulbs dig over the chosen site on depth not less than 30 cm and introduce mineral and organic fertilizers. Well rerotting compost, urea, superphosphate, wood ashes, potassium sulfate will approach. Tulips do not suffer the sour soil therefore fresh manure and not completely ready humus cannot be brought.  

If you have forgotten to fertilize soil before redigging of the site, make it just before landing of bulbs. In this case use complex fertilizer, for example, nitrophoska. The more nutrients will receive tulips, the blossoming will be more magnificent and bulbs are larger.   

When to plant tulips in soil 

The main reference point in this case – soil temperature. The earth has to cool down up to +7-10 wasps. If you want to make sure for certain, for measurement use the thermometer, having thrust it on depth not less than 15 cm. At more high temperature of bulb can ascend even in the fall, and at low – to freeze. At best tulips will be ordinary blossom, in the worst – will just die.

Plant tulips so that before arrival of steady frosts of bulb could take roots, but not couch. Emergence of backs bulbous requires about 25-30 days therefore optimum landing time – the second decade of September. It is admissible to put to the middle of October, but at own risk.  

On what depth to plant tulips 

It is very important point. Depth of landing of tulips depends on the bulb size: from bottom to the surface of soil there have to be not less than three of its diameters. For large copies – 12-15 cm, children – 10 cm. From the last do not wait for magnificent blossoming. Put children separately on growing better if you do not want them to spoil overall picture. 

Pay attention to structure of the soil. The it is easier also rykhly, the landing is deeper. So, always plant bulb on heavy soil slightly above, literally on 2-3 cm. If not to pay attention to such moments, tulips will have flowers more small, than could be at respect for all nuances of landing.  

What distance has to be between tulips 

That plants did not interfere with each other in the course of growth, maintain distance between large bulbs not less than 10-15 cm, and small – it is slightly less. Between ranks leave 20 cm. It is quite enough for normal development of each tulip. 

Children sow densely in furrows, its viability is usually about 70%. On average on one square meter plant up to 50 large bulbs of tulips.   

How to look after tulips after landing 

Having thrust bulbs, many gardeners forget about them till spring. Tulips for forming of roots need high humidity therefore if the fall was very warm and dry, spill beds from time to time. Make it and directly after landing. Water beds it is abundant that soil has become impregnated with moisture on all depth.   

Cover landings with fir twigs for snow retention, and in the first or second decade of November – the fallen-down foliage to minimize risk of freezing in case of cold winters. Protect bulbs from mice, having spread out the poisoned baits near beds.  

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
