The rare house does without houseplants today. They decorate our dwelling, bring sincere harmony and bright variety our life, help to distract from city bustle, bad weather and sad mood. Slightly love and patience - and our house is filled with rich colors of summer or saturated greens of tropics. However that everything occurred quite so, it is necessary to know the basic rules of landing and cultivation of houseplants.
It is required to you
- - flowerpot;
- - haydite for drainage;
- - nutritious soil.
1. Begin with purchase of flowerpot. Its dimensions have to correspond to form and the size of the chosen flower. It is necessary to consider that the core root system of some plants demands narrow and deep tanks, and superficial mochkovy root system – small and wide. Flower cachepots – optimal variant for ampelous plants. Look through special literature, consult to the selling assistant of flower shop. The main thing that you well represented what flowers you want to get at home and in advance have defined for them the place (on windowsill, on floor, on wall, on racks, regiments, etc.).
2. If you want your pots to be original and unique, buy the simple not glazed pots and independently paint them, varnish, decorate with appliques from beads, buttons, ribbons, fruit seeds and stones. Dream.
3. Prepare soil. In flower shops, ready mixes practically for all species of window plants are on sale today. Unlike the earth prepared independently, acquired has undergone industrial processing in specialized shop thanks to what guarantees lack in it of garbage and harmful impurity, excrement of animals, larvae of insects and seeds of weed plants. Moreover, at such mixes there is the whole set of necessary nutrients (macro - and microelements) therefore the flowers planted in them long do not demand fertilizing.
4. Arrange at the bottom of pot good drainage from haydite, gravel or river/sea ledeshk. Fill up the earth, humidify the soil, make deepening in the center and plant the flower bought by you in shop, in the market or presented by friends, colleagues, relatives (perhaps, implanted by you from shank or branch of the pleasant plant). You can decorate "territory" around your flower, having strewed color drainage on the surface of the soil or having put beautiful stones.
5. Water your landing according to species of flower. About features of watering esteem in the corresponding literature or find information in the Internet or consult the expert. Learn whether the humidity loves your plant and if yes, get humidifier or the sprayer (spray) and do not forget to spray flower. If the flower has big leaves, wipe them with damp soft sponge more often.