How to poison cockroaches

How to poison cockroaches

In the neighbourhood with the person hundreds of years live cockroaches. Generally red Prussians and black huge. It is extremely difficult to etch them as they quickly adapt to any kind of poison and leave the apartment at danger, but then by all means return again therefore it is necessary to etch cockroaches in all apartments of the multi-storey building.

It is required to you

  • - professional processing by experts of SES or private services;
  • - aerosols from cockroaches;
  • - piece of chalk;
  • - gel;
  • - boric acid;
  • - egg;
  • - potatoes;
  • - bank;
  • - fabric;
  • - products for bait;
  • - respirator;
  • - points;
  • - gloves.


1. Forever to get rid of cockroaches, cause SES or private services on processing of apartments from insects. Agree with neighbors, pay processing not only all apartments, but also the basement, entrance. It will help to forget about cockroaches to all multifamily house. If someone does not agree to pay mass processing, use methods of individual fight.

2. Process all apartment piece of chalk from cockroaches. You put piece of chalk with the closed strips in places of mass dwelling of insects.

3. Also you can process all apartment gel from cockroaches. It very effectively allows to get rid of cockroaches for 2-3 months. Monthly you put new strips of gel on all plinths and on back walls of furniture.

4. Prepare means from cockroaches from crude egg, pounded potatoes and boric acid. For preparation mix 1 boiled potato with 1 egg and add 1 teaspoon of boric acid. Roll small balls and scatter on all apartment.

5. In addition strew dry boric acid on all perimeter of plinths in all apartment. Cockroaches will creep out and cling boric acid on claws that will perniciously affect all livestock.

6. For cockroaches it is possible to make trap. For its production take 3-liter jar, fit fabric. In bank put any tasty smelling products. Smoked fat or meat, cheese, etc. will approach. Cockroaches will climb on smell on fabric, and back on slippery surface the banks will not be able to get out. In the morning you will need only to destroy the insects who have got to trap.

7. For fight against cockroaches use the aerosols provided on sale in wide assortment. For use remove all foodstuff, pets, put on respirator, gloves, points, process everything plinth, walls and other surfaces. After processing densely close windows and doors. Air the apartment in 2 hours through air flow.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
