How to prepare bed under carrots

How to prepare bed under carrots

Carrots differ from other vegetables in high productivity. From hundred part of plantings it is possible to receive at least 50 kilograms of root crops, having spent for it only 20 grams of seeds. Similar results will manage to be achieved by the correct preparation of bed.

What has to be the soil for carrots

Gardeners select several requirements concerning soil for landing of carrots:

  • the earth should not contain firm particles and not decomposed organic remains;
  • the soil has to have normal acidity;
  • for loosening add sand (1 kg/sq.m) to clayey grounds and also the chernozem, heavy on structure;
  • to the sandy earth, poor on structure, add organic chemistry, manure and peat.

At cultivation on the chernozem in root crop there is large amount of fatty acids which presence reduces the period of storage of vegetable. In the viscous soil the fruit develops incorrectly, its underground part renders irregular shape. Clayey grounds to which structure sand is not added quickly dry. The carrots seeded in such soil will be sluggish and small.

Do not land culture on bed:

  • in shadow of trees;
  • after plantings of sunflower or tobacco;
  • in dry soil of any structure;
  • on the beds having sharp bias;
  • on sites where the wheat grass as these weeds dry up the soil grows.

Irrespective of availability of nutrients in soil the good harvest of carrots can be received only by the correct preparation of the site.

At first it is necessary to check soil for moisture permeability. For this purpose on square with sizes of 50*70 centimeters pour out 8 liters of water. If liquid has filtered within hour and on the surface of the site gray spots have appeared, then such soil contains many salts. For cultivation of culture it is unsuitable. If no spots have appeared and from the earth it is possible to roll ball, it is necessary to start preparatory work – the soil is suitable.

Nuances of preparation of the site in the fall

The main difficulties arise by preparation of the heavy soil with firm particles. Well loosened soil has to be result of the carried-out work. The bed is dug over by two times (on shovel bayonet within 30 centimeters, then on 15-20 centimeters).

If when carrying out repeated digging-up in the earth many stones or rhizomes of weed plants are found, then the site is considered unsuitable for cultivation of carrots. If the earth has acquired friable structure, is well scattered, then add the crushed peat for aeration improvement to its structure. After that abundant watering of bed is carried out. With arrival of spring the earth is dug over once again and leveled rake.

The quality of the earth can be determined by last year's harvest of potatoes. If vegetables were small and they was not enough, the soil needs to have a rest. Carrots well feel after cucumbers. In this case on each square meter of useful area 1.5 kilograms of organic chemistry are brought.

Also culture well feels after table beet. Here 5 kilograms of peat and 500 grams of manure are brought in the soil at the rate on sq.m. If on the same site last year the small and ordinary-looking cabbage has grown, it is necessary to bring in the earth both organic chemistry, and mineral substances.

Completion of preparation of the site in the spring

With arrival of spring the site is saved from the remains of weeds. To the earth allow to have a rest for 2 weeks. Further the bed is broken into small sections of 3*5 meter in size. Then carry out the first digging-up, carefully making small large lumps shovel, and bring compost in the soil. After that the site is flooded with water. When liquid is absorbed and the top layer will dry, soil is in addition loosened with rake and delete the remains of rhizomes of weeds.

When the way is paved, it is possible to start crops of carrots. Seeds of culture stack in furrows up to 3 centimeters in depth and fill up with soft soil. For acceleration of viability the bed is watered with warm water and lay polyethylene film on the site. After emergence of shoots this primitive shelter needs to be removed.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
