How to pull grid chain-link

How to pull grid chain-link

The fence built from chain-link grid is one of the most popular types of protection of country sites. And it is quite explainable. This material is practical, reliable, available at the price and is plain in mounting. How independently to pull grid chain-link?

It is required to you

  • - Rabitz netting;
  • - metal or wooden columns;
  • - metal rope;
  • - wooden pegs;
  • - cord;
  • - crushed stone;
  • - sand;
  • - shovel;
  • - nails or brackets;
  • - hammer;
  • - metal hooks or collars
  • - welding machine


1. Measure borders of the site and count quantity of expendable material. For this purpose it is necessary to hammer wooden pegs on corners of the site and to pull on them, on all perimeter, cord. Measure cord length - it will correspond to the necessary length of grid of chain-link. Expect the required quantity of columns, that they have to be established with interval 2.5-3 meters.

2. Choose grid chain-link. It is necessary to consider that width of grid has to correspond to the desirable height of fence. For installation of temporary fence you will be suitable grid from black wire. Its price is much lower. But if the design is operated long time - it is necessary to buy more expensive otsinkovannanny option. Such material fence can serve more than 20 years.

3. Establish columns. For this purpose dig out holes of one meter in depth. Fill crushed stone and sand on bottom of holes and carefully stamp. Establish columns and fill up holes with soil, stamping it.

4. Establish chain-link grid roll about angular column and fix its edge. If you have got the neozinced grid - raise its edge by 5-10 cm over ground level. In order that the grid reliably kept on metal columns it is recommended to weld on them hooks. Other way of fastening is to use special collars for pipes. Of course, it is possible to act much simpler and to tie grid to columns by means of wire, but this option of fastening is much less reliable. It is possible to attach grid to wooden columns by means of special brackets or nails.

5. Accurately unwind roll, pulling grid, and attach it to the following column. Stretch metal rope to the lower and top regions of grid and fix its ends on columns. This reception will allow to avoid sagging of grid of chain-link. Make protection on all perimeter of the site, using the same method.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
